  • Gênero Feminino
  • Nascimento 22/10/1933 (91 anos)
  • Local Nascimento Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para 草笛光子

Aimitagai Aimitagai 01 de nov. de 2024
90 Years Old - So What? 90 Years Old - So What? 21 de jun. de 2024
Jigen Daisuke Jigen Daisuke 12 de out. de 2023
Walking with My Grandma Walking with My Grandma 14 de abr. de 2018
4.50 from Paddington 4.50 from Paddington 24 de mar. de 2018
Proof of the Man Proof of the Man 02 de abr. de 2017
The Magnificent Nine The Magnificent Nine 14 de mai. de 2016
化石の微笑み 化石の微笑み 29 de mar. de 2015
Murder on the Orient Express Murder on the Orient Express 11 de jan. de 2015
0.5 mm 0.5 mm 08 de nov. de 2014
Chain of Flowers Chain of Flowers 17 de set. de 2013
HOME HOME 27 de abr. de 2012
Dendera Dendera 25 de jun. de 2011
Abacus and Sword Abacus and Sword 04 de dez. de 2010
樅ノ木は残った 樅ノ木は残った 20 de fev. de 2010
The Unbroken The Unbroken 23 de out. de 2009
Nagaiki Kyousou Nagaiki Kyousou 26 de dez. de 2008
Kiri no hi Kiri no hi 25 de ago. de 2008
Angel's Ladder Angel's Ladder 22 de out. de 2006
What the Snow Brings What the Snow Brings 28 de out. de 2005
Siberian Express 2 Siberian Express 2 13 de jan. de 2001
Rex: A Dinosaur's Story Rex: A Dinosaur's Story 03 de jul. de 1993
She-Shogun She-Shogun 20 de jan. de 1990
Yakuza Ladies 2 Yakuza Ladies 2 10 de out. de 1987
And Then And Then 09 de nov. de 1985
Oar Oar 15 de jan. de 1985
The Wangan Highway The Wangan Highway 29 de set. de 1984
Nogare no machi Nogare no machi 15 de out. de 1983
Lonely Heart Lonely Heart 10 de out. de 1981
The House of Hanging The House of Hanging 26 de mai. de 1979
The Phoenix The Phoenix 12 de ago. de 1978
Queen Bee Queen Bee 11 de fev. de 1978
Sugata Sanshiro Sugata Sanshiro 29 de out. de 1977
Island of Hell Island of Hell 27 de ago. de 1977
Lullaby to Kill Lullaby to Kill 02 de abr. de 1977
A Família Inugami A Família Inugami 16 de out. de 1976
Travels of Lord Mito Travels of Lord Mito 01 de nov. de 1969
Battle of the Japan Sea Battle of the Japan Sea 01 de ago. de 1969
Devils-in-Law Devils-in-Law 14 de jan. de 1968
Nuvens Dispersas Nuvens Dispersas 18 de nov. de 1967
The Thin Line The Thin Line 12 de fev. de 1966
Rampaging Dog Rampaging Dog 06 de mai. de 1965
Whirlwind Whirlwind 26 de jul. de 1964
The Naked Executive The Naked Executive 01 de jul. de 1964
The Sandal Keeper The Sandal Keeper 11 de jun. de 1964
Zoku shachō shinshiroku Zoku shachō shinshiroku 29 de fev. de 1964
Tormento Tormento 15 de jan. de 1964
Hail the 3 Gents Hail the 3 Gents 03 de jan. de 1964
女の歴史 女の歴史 16 de nov. de 1963
Samurai Pirate Samurai Pirate 26 de out. de 1963
The Best Playboy In Japan The Best Playboy In Japan 13 de jul. de 1963
Nippon Irresponsible Guy Nippon Irresponsible Guy 23 de dez. de 1962
Born in Sin Born in Sin 23 de nov. de 1962
Os Vingadores Os Vingadores 03 de nov. de 1962
Caminhada sem Destino Caminhada sem Destino 29 de set. de 1962
Star of Hong Kong Star of Hong Kong 14 de jul. de 1962
Ai no uzu shio Ai no uzu shio 22 de mai. de 1962
Three Gentlemen from Tokyo Three Gentlemen from Tokyo 29 de abr. de 1962
The Wiser Age The Wiser Age 14 de jan. de 1962
Salaryman Shimizu Minato Salaryman Shimizu Minato 03 de jan. de 1962
A Night in Hong Kong A Night in Hong Kong 01 de jul. de 1961
The Masterless 47 – Part II The Masterless 47 – Part II 25 de fev. de 1961
A Felicidade Está em Nós A Felicidade Está em Nós 15 de jan. de 1961
Lovers of Ginza Lovers of Ginza 15 de jan. de 1961
The Angry Sea The Angry Sea 16 de out. de 1960
This Greedy Old Skin This Greedy Old Skin 18 de set. de 1960
The Lovelorn Geisha The Lovelorn Geisha 12 de jul. de 1960
The Dangerous Kiss The Dangerous Kiss 26 de jun. de 1960
Daughters, Wives and a Mother Daughters, Wives and a Mother 21 de mai. de 1960
Bonchi Bonchi 14 de abr. de 1960
Beyond the Hills Beyond the Hills 02 de fev. de 1960
Seniors, Juniors, Co-Workers Seniors, Juniors, Co-Workers 13 de set. de 1959
The Big Boss The Big Boss 15 de jan. de 1959
Theater of Life Theater of Life 23 de nov. de 1958
The Hotelman's Holiday The Hotelman's Holiday 12 de jul. de 1958
Song for a Bride Song for a Bride 11 de fev. de 1958
City of Love City of Love 21 de jan. de 1958
On Wings of Love On Wings of Love 13 de jul. de 1957
The Paradise Island Story The Paradise Island Story 29 de jan. de 1957
The Bride and the Treasure The Bride and the Treasure 08 de jan. de 1956
Ejima and Ikushima Ejima and Ikushima 30 de out. de 1955
The Mask and Destiny The Mask and Destiny 13 de jul. de 1955
Here Is a Spring Here Is a Spring 12 de fev. de 1955
A Woman's Life A Woman's Life 29 de jan. de 1955
Haru no Wakakusa Haru no Wakakusa 27 de jan. de 1954