Ντίνος Ηλιόπουλος
  • Gênero Masculino
  • Nascimento 12/06/1913
  • Local Nascimento Alexandria, Egypt
  • Data Morte 04/06/2001 com 87 anos

Ντίνος Ηλιόπουλος

Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Ντίνος Ηλιόπουλος

O Apicultor O Apicultor 24 de out. de 2024
The Overcoat The Overcoat 31 de dez. de 1997
Radio Moscow Radio Moscow 22 de fev. de 1996
The Bricks The Bricks 19 de nov. de 1985
Agries plakes sta thrania Agries plakes sta thrania 07 de mar. de 1983
Daskale ti didaskes? Daskale ti didaskes? 01 de jan. de 1983
Anyone Else for Heaven? Anyone Else for Heaven? 01 de jan. de 1983
Ο αυτάκιας Ο αυτάκιας 01 de jan. de 1982
Nelly, the Spy Nelly, the Spy 11 de nov. de 1981
A Bachelor's Pad For Ten A Bachelor's Pad For Ten 05 de out. de 1981
A Short Man Will Save Us A Short Man Will Save Us 01 de jan. de 1981
The Hemline The Hemline 10 de nov. de 1980
Sly Female… Sly Woman! Sly Female… Sly Woman! 28 de mai. de 1980
Wet Romeo Wet Romeo 01 de jan. de 1980
The Fantarines The Fantarines 22 de out. de 1979
The Abductors The Abductors 03 de abr. de 1972
The Four Aces The Four Aces 24 de dez. de 1970
Stratis Has Strayed Stratis Has Strayed 01 de jan. de 1969
Satrapis Satrapis 01 de jan. de 1968
Gerontokoros Gerontokoros 01 de jan. de 1967
The Big Fool The Big Fool 01 de jan. de 1967
The World Has Gone Mad... The World Has Gone Mad... 01 de jan. de 1967
Anakatosouras Anakatosouras 01 de jan. de 1967
To Be or Not To Be To Be or Not To Be 14 de ago. de 1966
Ladies of the Courtyard Ladies of the Courtyard 09 de abr. de 1966
All that glitters is gold All that glitters is gold 18 de mar. de 1966
The Robber Cries Thief! The Robber Cries Thief! 30 de mar. de 1965
The Bait The Bait 09 de nov. de 1964
The Heirs The Heirs 06 de abr. de 1964
Something Hot Something Hot 13 de jan. de 1964
Marriage lads Marriage lads 11 de nov. de 1963
My friend, Lefterakis My friend, Lefterakis 25 de fev. de 1963
Someone like It Cold... Someone like It Cold... 10 de jan. de 1963
The Wise Guy The Wise Guy 15 de jan. de 1962
Liar Wanted Liar Wanted 17 de abr. de 1961
Three Ladies and me Three Ladies and me 10 de out. de 1960
The Young Lady's Fool The Young Lady's Fool 14 de mar. de 1960
Makrykostas and Kontogiorgis Makrykostas and Kontogiorgis 02 de fev. de 1960
Papadopoulou family Papadopoulou family 01 de jan. de 1960
Christina Christina 01 de jan. de 1960
Goodmorning Athens Goodmorning Athens 01 de jan. de 1960
Stournara 288 Stournara 288 19 de jan. de 1959
Marriage Adventures Marriage Adventures 01 de jan. de 1959
Amaryllis Amaryllis 01 de jan. de 1959
One Street Organ, One Life One Street Organ, One Life 28 de nov. de 1958
Four Brides and a Groom Four Brides and a Groom 01 de jan. de 1958
Of Fortune The Written Of Fortune The Written 01 de jan. de 1957
O Ogro de Atenas O Ogro de Atenas 05 de mar. de 1956
Party, Money and Love Party, Money and Love 14 de nov. de 1955
Joe, the Amazing Joe, the Amazing 21 de mar. de 1955
The Happy Beginning The Happy Beginning 06 de dez. de 1954
Night Adventure Night Adventure 06 de fev. de 1954
Thanasakis, the Politician Thanasakis, the Politician 01 de jan. de 1954
Eva Eva 09 de jun. de 1953
Grousouzis Grousouzis 03 de nov. de 1952
The Tower of Knights The Tower of Knights 01 de jan. de 1952
Above all... Coolness Above all... Coolness 14 de jun. de 1951
The 4 Stairs The 4 Stairs 16 de jan. de 1951
The Engagement The Engagement 31 de dez. de 1950
Apaches of Athens Apaches of Athens 23 de jan. de 1950
Zero for Conduct Zero for Conduct 07 de mar. de 1949
One Hundred Thousand Pounds One Hundred Thousand Pounds 17 de mar. de 1948