Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para ไตรเทพ วงศ์ไพบูลย์
Quando Sek morre, Thongkam perde o direito à propriedade para a família do seu amado parceiro e precisa lutar para reconquistar o lar que os dois c...
22 de ago. de 2024
Mak é um soldado e tem que deixar sua esposa grávida Nak em casa, em Phra Khanong. Na distante linha de frente, ele conhece quatro soldados que se ...
28 de mar. de 2013
A história de um casal desanimado, Sati e Metta. Os dois estão prestes a se separar devido ao rompimento do relacionamento, mas o destino está preg...
29 de jun. de 2023
Um grupo de estudantes do ensino médio, movidos pela paixão comum pelo cinema, se propõe a criar um curta-metragem baseado na vida de seu querido c...
26 de out. de 2023
Um trabalhador freelancer se apaixona por uma médica. Passando por um momento complicado, ele sente que sua vida está ficando pior a cada segundo. ...
06 de out. de 2015
Lisa Brennan (Angela Dixon) é uma mãe solteira que busca desesperadamente por seu filho. Durante uma viagem, sem que ela mesmo perceba, o garoto de...
28 de ago. de 2015
Desperate to go to the U.S. to win back his girlfriend, Yim hires a tutor to teach him English. But things don't go according to plan.
10 de dez. de 2014
Após ver seus pais serem brutalmente assassinados, Jone, um jovem herói que rouba búfalos de comerciantes para dá-los a aldeões, promete não descan...
09 de nov. de 2006
Sempre desajeitado, Guy é muito apaixonado por June. Mas, como uma brincadeira do destino, ele sempre escolhe o pior momento para declarar seu amor.
27 de out. de 2022
An anthology of five macabre short stories about hungry ghosts, comatose brain dead, a group of bright-eyed actors, an unscrupulous car salesman, a...
09 de set. de 2009
Um homem abandona o trabalho para cuidar da avó, que está à beira da morte, motivado pela fortuna dela. Ele planeja conquistar a preferência dela a...
19 de dez. de 2024
Quando um espírito habita o corpo de um adolescente chamado Min, ele começa a se estabelecer em sua vida, até ser forçado a descobrir quem causou a...
25 de out. de 2018
Sua e Jib são como qualquer outro casal neste mundo, a não ser por uma exceção: nos últimos cinco anos, eles mantiveram a relação em segredo desde ...
19 de jan. de 2012
Três adolescentes tailandeses em Nova Iorque planejam a noite de Reveillón de suas vidas. Eles chamam Jesus, um traficante, para deixar drogas em s...
20 de dez. de 2012
Em uma aldeia remota, um espírito sanguinário entra no corpo de uma jovem, e seu irmão mais velho lidera os esforços para detê-lo antes que ela sej...
30 de dez. de 2024
Thun (Ananda Everingham), um jovem fotógrafo, e sua namorada Jane (Natthaweeranuch Thongmee) atropelam acidentalmente uma pedestre. Eles fogem da c...
24 de mar. de 2006
Depois de testemunhar uma assombração em seu hospital, dois médicos tornam-se perigosamente obcecados em obter provas científicas de que fantasmas ...
26 de mai. de 2021
A woman suffers from a rare form of temporary amnesia, lasting for a day. Her shy colleague, who is secretly in love with her, tells her that they ...
27 de out. de 2016
Anos Atrás, Yang Lu Chan Viajou Até O Vilarejo Chen Para Encontrar Os Maiores Lutadores De Artes Marciais Da China. Depois De Ajudar Os Moradores D...
25 de out. de 2012
Um filme inspirado em fatos reais aterrorizantes. Quando os inquilinos são membros de um culto sombrio, eles aterrorizam o dono da casa, procurando...
06 de abr. de 2023
Ped, Koong e Ern estudavam juntos quando crianças. Ern teve que se mudar antes que Ped dissesse que a amava. No Ensino Médio, Ern volta para a esco...
17 de mar. de 2011
Lynn é uma estudante superdotada que resolve ajudar sua melhor amiga Grace e o filhinho de papai Pat a obterem melhores notas nos exames do colégio...
03 de mai. de 2017
Interessado na arte do Tai Chi, Yang viaja ate o vilarejo Chen, onde encontra-se os maiores mestre em lutas marciais, Em principio, a reação a sua ...
27 de set. de 2012
A jovem Pim, mudou-se recentemente, da Tailândia para a Coréia. Lá ela pretende iniciar nova vida, ao lado de seu marido Vee, por quem é apaixonada...
23 de ago. de 2007
Pusit está tendo o pior dia de sua vida. Ele acabou de perder o emprego e está em dívida séria. Isso está prestes a mudar quando ele recebe um tele...
04 de out. de 2006
Outrora caçador de recompensas implacável, agora o espadachim Ou-yang Feng é dono de uma estalagem no deserto onde passa o dia suspirando pela espo...
17 de set. de 1994
Ib and Boum decide to commit suicide together in Bangkok in 1997. After reneging on the promise, the vengeful ghost of Ib returns 20 years later to...
07 de set. de 2017
Two strangers meet in South Korea, each on a vacation. When he misses his tour bus, he asks a woman if he can hang out with her for a few days. T...
19 de ago. de 2010
After falling pregnant to her boyfriend's best friend, a young woman commits suicide. She returns to haunt her unborn child's father while her frie...
07 de ago. de 2014
Story of the adventures of three young men from two of the world's metropolis, New State Trinity Capital and Karen village in Northern Thailand. To...
18 de set. de 2014
A story of the unrequited love. Kwan's love for Riam grew fonder while her love for him seem to fade as she was taken to Bangkok.
14 de ago. de 2014
Um grupo de amigos faz uma celebridade perder a consciência antes de um trabalho importante e, para evitar um processo, eles arranjam uma sósia par...
05 de dez. de 2019
Um jovem policial tailandês vê-se responsável pelas vidas da Equipe Nacional de Esportes da Tailândia, uma vila inteira e todos os seus habitantes ...
05 de ago. de 2004
Two projectionists discover a disturbing film featuring the lynching of a woman. Not only are they troubled by the content of the movie, but strang...
28 de out. de 2008
Um monstro gigantesco e sanguinário emerge de um lago depois que seu ovo é roubado e libera sua fúria sobre os habitantes de uma cidade, deixando u...
18 de ago. de 2022
Finding the diary of his predecessor, rural schoolteacher Song falls in love with its author, Ann, and sets out on a winding journey to find her.
20 de mar. de 2014
Chon começa a ter estranhos sonhos envolvendo uma mulher que viu apenas uma vez - e nos quais um homem a mata, corta e desmembra seu corpo em pedaç...
07 de out. de 2007
As May's heart rate rises, she emits electricity. When she falls for the school heartthrob, she enlists the help of Pong, who has a crush of his own.
01 de out. de 2015
Based on the life of Luang Pradit Pairoh the most revered traditional Thai music master who lived during the reigns of Kings Rama V to VIII, the mo...
06 de fev. de 2004
The story beginnings with a young man visiting a village in Burma. One night, a beautiful woman comes into his bedroom and attempts to seduce him. ...
16 de set. de 2010
10 de mai. de 2018
The story takes place at the College of Music, Mahidol University over one year and covers the three seasons that Bangkok typically experiences - s...
31 de ago. de 2006
An espionage thriller set in the 1950s and adapted from the novel "Year Suan/Plot Against" by May Jia. Tony Leung Chiu Wai plays a blind man who wo...
10 de ago. de 2012
Sombat is a night taxi driver who has unique taste in things. He enjoys listening to AM radio channels for they reminds him of the good old days th...
12 de mai. de 2005
Veterano militar e ex-mercenário, Frenchy trabalha como motorista de táxi e, escondido em Bangcoc, pega uma bela passageira que mudará sua vida par...
13 de mai. de 2010
Three modern love stories focus on how digital privacy, fleeting fame and the power of personal reinvention can change one's romantic destiny.
26 de jul. de 2012
Sudsakorn is a curious young man, raised in the ancient traditions of magic by his mystical grandfather. He never knew his farther. His mother, a b...
30 de nov. de 2006
When gelatinous blue aliens fall from the sky and threaten their lives, neighbors at odds with each other must put aside their ongoing feud.
02 de dez. de 2010
Dan é um estudante de fotografia que ganha de seu professor uma câmera profissional para usar no seu trabalho de conclusão.
02 de mai. de 2024
After seven misfit ex-soldiers discover a covert cargo during a robbery, they find their village taken hostage and must stand up against the US army.
11 de mai. de 2002
For 10 years, Palm has been stuck in the friend zone with his best friend, Gink. He has had feelings for her since high school and even tried confe...
14 de fev. de 2019
Tock, heir to a long line of comedians has a problem. He is not funny. Constantly upstage by his younger sister, he falls in love with a dermatolog...
11 de mar. de 2010
Three young lives from the present are mysteriously destined to travel back in time through a portal to an old forgotten city. It is an era of civi...
31 de jan. de 2008
Li-ann, a dreamer, is a strong believer of the soul mate theory and rejects all men, especially her best friend KS, till she falls in love with Jer...
29 de fev. de 2008
Students pursue love affairs some destined to be and some doomed during a break from school in this ensemble romance.
05 de mar. de 2008
In a world where ranking determines the value of a player, a gang of skilled gamers find a quick way to get rich by breaking the rules.
01 de set. de 2022
A romantic comedy which is a sequel to last year's popular Bangkok Sweety. As before, it features a number of different love stories that take plac...
09 de fev. de 2012
An apprentice private detective is hired to gather evidence of a wealthy man's infidelity but falls in love with his target's adorable girlfriend.
Ina, whose ex-boyfriend runs off, leaving her in debt, manages to catch on a cunning con artist who tries to con her. But instead of turning him to...
03 de dez. de 2020
Bhop sonha com uma mulher que amou em outra vida e tem certeza de que vai encontrá-la de novo. Mas um misterioso viajante do tempo vai atrapalhar s...
28 de jul. de 2022
Set in the 1930s, the story recounts the growing pains of Jan, whose mother dies while giving birth to him and who’s intensely hated by his sadisti...
06 de set. de 2012
The film tells the story about how to love and to be loved through the people in three different families.
12 de mai. de 2011
In World War Il these seven soldiers marked as wanted men must join together once more to defend their country and protect their own lives.
27 de abr. de 2005
Highschool boy Tee and his friends are making off films. But in the real life, Tee can't control his life. Especially about his secret love with Pl...
18 de abr. de 2013
A young elephant goes on an extraordinary adventure and learns important lessons along the way about friendship, love and courage.
18 de mai. de 2006
31 de out. de 2019
Quatro estranhos que estão no mesmo hotel em Bangkok têm seus destinos cruzados. Um jovem inglês é um traficante de drogas que entra em pânico quan...
15 de mai. de 2003
Mario Maurer interpreta um jovem que esteve em coma por cerca de 10 anos. Ele acorda sem nenhuma lembrança de sua vida, exceto seu nome, Tan. Enqua...
13 de abr. de 2016
Tan is expected to be like his dad but he would rather escape the narrow confines of his mother's world. His dreams look like they are coming true ...
13 de fev. de 2014
In the center of Bangkok, 30-year-old Mei Li struggles to find true love. When she accidentally meets a handsome BTS engineer whom she considers th...
15 de out. de 2009
The movie starts with the tough lives of the aforementioned characters in a military school, showing friendship and even competition among them. Bu...
13 de ago. de 2009
Tracing the beginnings of Jet Tone Films, which was founded in 1991 by Wong Kar Wai for the production of Ashes of Time (1994), the film features n...
02 de abr. de 2021
Featuring musical compositions of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, three love stories tackle unique challenges on romantic, soul-searching journeys.
01 de dez. de 2016
In 1970, a string band called "The Possible" was really popular and made a fever among young people. One day, the band received a microphone as the...
04 de dez. de 2006
College friends whose lives are at a crossroads decide to spend a year in Europe, working in Thai restaurants, and trying not to get deported.
23 de jul. de 2009
Jan Dara returns to Bangkok to take revenge against Wisnan, the man who has made his life a living hell. The fire of vengeance consumes him to such...
07 de fev. de 2013
As dificuldades de um casal cuja diferença de idade é acentuada. Ele tem 20, ela 40.
18 de jul. de 2013
Bee is falling in love with her senior surgeon co-worker. But his girlfriend who recently died in an accident isn't quite ready to give him up yet.
31 de mai. de 2012
após ficar seis anos preso injustamente num centro psiquiátrico, Manop está pronto para fazer justiça com as próprias mãos e buscar vingança contra...
12 de ago. de 2019
A young man born with an extra arm longs to find love, so he journeys to a metropolitan hospital where he hopes to have his extra appendage amputated.
17 de jul. de 2008
On a set filled with tension, a nervous director tries to shoot a horror movie. Meanwhile, six strangers suddenly appear who tell their story, expl...
15 de set. de 2022
A boy who doesn't believe in love ends up falling for the girl next door that he once scorned.
10 de out. de 2012
A football team who has differences and ego problems must win an International underground football tournament in order to save their own lives.
10 de mai. de 2012
This the sequal to the 2007 movie of the same name. This time it features Jer, a smart dog that has been adopted by a nice family. But things turn ...
05 de abr. de 2012
Recovering from an accident, an artist is torn between the nurse who is helping him recover and a college friend for whom he secretly longs.
06 de out. de 2005
Lek is a locksmith and Kong is a writer. When Kong comes up with a plan to put Leks lock picking skills to good use, the two start breaking into ot...
19 de jul. de 2012
Set in 1939, the early days of World War II in Siam, to Angsumalin meeting one last time with her childhood friend, a young Thai man named Vanus. H...
04 de abr. de 2013
A group of Thai ghost legends have grown tired of haunting and move to the country to help humanity.
03 de abr. de 2008
Art, a young inspried high school boy who prfers his life choice as an artist, to look cool amoung girls; whereas, Foon, Art's neighbour of his age...
Denied the coaching job he really wanted, a star footballer accepts his wealthy aunt's offer to assemble a ragtag team in a neighboring country.
18 de out. de 2006
A widower and his daughter travel's to Thailand's deep south to seek help from a Muslim doctor after unleashing a djinn in a rundown house.
11 de jul. de 2024
It is a melodrama, comedy, action, time-shifting psychological mystery and a cartoon fantasy put together in one film. The film is divided into fou...
25 de dez. de 2008
This three-part anthology follows people from different generations as they explore the depths of love, grief and longing in Chiang Mai.
18 de abr. de 2012
A college student and her old best friend relive their past while watching over a crew of young teenagers dealing with love, friendship and grief.
12 de out. de 2023
Puek, a boy from the slums, had no choice but to endure his circumstances, feeling that he could never have the same worth as others. He remained s...
28 de nov. de 2024
Yard é um jovem traficante de drogas, membro de uma família que foi duramente afetada pela guerra entre duas gangues rivais. Agora ele busca uma ma...
17 de dez. de 2024
Mai quits school to go work as a mechanic while his brother stays in school and chases girls. However his need for money increases as his father ge...
16 de jun. de 1995
No final do século XIX, diversos trabalhadores chineses são seduzidos pela promessa de riqueza representada por um vale de mineração. Mas o local é...
04 de dez. de 2008
Wind, a famous singer and songwriter has come to the worst moment in his life when he realizes that his fame is going to fade. Win cannot face the ...
14 de fev. de 2012
A man who wants to become a barrister falls for an architect, while another man heads up north to pursue a dream of starting a coffee plantation, w...
17 de out. de 2013
Is falling in love similar to rain? Rains falls without reason and also regardless of season. Anyway, falling rain always light up some emotion in ...
08 de mai. de 2013
On her wedding night, Sipang's husband leaves his bride hurriedly after receiving a call. That, unfortunately, would be the last time Sipang sees h...
14 de mar. de 2003
Gatlang is the name of a small village at an altitude of 7400 feet located in Nepal. A land that no one has ever mentioned. It was hidden under a s...
29 de nov. de 2018
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