Χρήστος Καλαβρούζος
  • Gênero Masculino
  • Local Nascimento Kalavrouza, Etoloakarnania, Greece

Χρήστος Καλαβρούζος

Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Χρήστος Καλαβρούζος

Μικρά Αγγλία Μικρά Αγγλία 05 de dez. de 2013
Beyond the Lake Beyond the Lake 01 de nov. de 2006
Before the End of the World Before the End of the World 01 de nov. de 1996
Moon Runway Moon Runway 01 de nov. de 1994
Borderline Borderline 11 de jan. de 1994
The Descent of the Nine The Descent of the Nine 01 de abr. de 1984
The City Never Sleeps The City Never Sleeps 01 de mar. de 1984
The years of the storm The years of the storm 01 de jan. de 1984
Educate Yourself My Son Educate Yourself My Son 09 de out. de 1981
The Trial of the Judges The Trial of the Judges 01 de jan. de 1974
Okay, man Okay, man 01 de jan. de 1974
Ο Επισκέπτης Ο Επισκέπτης 25 de set. de 1973
Days of '36 Days of '36 30 de set. de 1972
Boom Taratajum Boom Taratajum 29 de set. de 1972
Thanasis, Take Your Gun Thanasis, Take Your Gun 28 de set. de 1972
Souliotes Souliotes 01 de jan. de 1972
Papaflessas Papaflessas 22 de set. de 1971
What a Waste! What a Waste! 19 de out. de 1970
Mideia 70 Mideia 70 03 de out. de 1969
Bad, Cold, and Cantankerous Bad, Cold, and Cantankerous 01 de jan. de 1969
Ο τυχεράκιας Ο τυχεράκιας 01 de jan. de 1968