Γιώργος Νέζος
  • Gênero Masculino
  • Nascimento 01/01/1909
  • Local Nascimento Koutsopodi, Argolida, Greece
  • Data Morte 20/02/1989 com 80 anos

Γιώργος Νέζος

Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Γιώργος Νέζος

Varieté Varieté 18 de jan. de 1985
Voyage to Cythera Voyage to Cythera 21 de abr. de 1984
The years of the storm The years of the storm 01 de jan. de 1984
What a Mess What a Mess 26 de out. de 1982
Honeymoon Honeymoon 01 de out. de 1979
Girl of Passion Girl of Passion 11 de mar. de 1974
Άγουρη Σάρκα Άγουρη Σάρκα 01 de jan. de 1974
The Brave Die Twice The Brave Die Twice 12 de dez. de 1973
Maria in Silence Maria in Silence 01 de jan. de 1973
Ti 30... ti 40... ti 50... Ti 30... ti 40... ti 50... 02 de mai. de 1972
A Woman in the Resistance A Woman in the Resistance 01 de jan. de 1970
The one that didn't bend The one that didn't bend 01 de jan. de 1968
Stay close to me my love Stay close to me my love 01 de jan. de 1968
Some mother sighs Some mother sighs 13 de ago. de 1966
With you forever With you forever 01 de jan. de 1966
The Roundup The Roundup 09 de jan. de 1965
The Punk Of Fokionos Negri The Punk Of Fokionos Negri 01 de jan. de 1965
Affection Affection 01 de jan. de 1965
My Life Belongs To You My Life Belongs To You 01 de jan. de 1965
The pain of separation The pain of separation 01 de jan. de 1965
Capital adventures Capital adventures 12 de nov. de 1956
Bitter Bread Bitter Bread 15 de abr. de 1951
Bloody Christmas Bloody Christmas 12 de mar. de 1951