Amina Rizk
  • GêneroFeminino
  • Nascimento15/04/1910
  • Local NascimentoTanta, Egypt
  • Data Morte24/08/2003 com 93 anos

Amina Rizk

Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Amina Rizk

The Knight & The PrincessThe Knight & The Princess19 de set. de 2019
Like A MatchstickLike A Matchstick24 de ago. de 2016
Women Who Loved CinemaWomen Who Loved Cinema28 de jun. de 2002
The Forbidden TalksThe Forbidden Talks15 de mar. de 2000
Nasser 56Nasser 5605 de ago. de 1996
LobsterLobster20 de fev. de 1996
Ladies' ThresholdLadies' Threshold02 de jan. de 1995
Strawberry WarStrawberry War08 de ago. de 1994
Land of DreamsLand of Dreams27 de set. de 1993
Kit KatKit Kat09 de set. de 1991
Al MakhtufaAl Makhtufa16 de abr. de 1991
Al MouledAl Mouled10 de jul. de 1989
Clash of the GrandchildrenClash of the Grandchildren09 de jan. de 1989
The Berry and the CaneThe Berry and the Cane20 de jan. de 1986
The FloodThe Flood18 de nov. de 1985
Humans and JinnHumans and Jinn24 de jul. de 1985
The ShameThe Shame11 de out. de 1982
Mothers in ExileMothers in Exile26 de out. de 1981
Tears Without SinsTears Without Sins04 de mai. de 1980
The CriminalThe Criminal03 de set. de 1978
The Water-Carrier Is DeadThe Water-Carrier Is Dead20 de nov. de 1977
The DevilsThe Devils04 de mar. de 1977
First Year of LoveFirst Year of Love18 de out. de 1976
His SistersHis Sisters24 de mai. de 1976
I Want a SolutionI Want a Solution31 de mar. de 1975
Bamba KasherBamba Kasher02 de jan. de 1974
Al-ShaimaAl-Shaima28 de ago. de 1972
Om Hashim's LampOm Hashim's Lamp04 de nov. de 1968
Shayateen El LeylShayateen El Leyl30 de mar. de 1966
The MamluksThe Mamluks04 de out. de 1965
Stillness of the StormStillness of the Storm16 de ago. de 1965
Al-AlameinAl-Alamein03 de fev. de 1965
Hekayet GawazHekayet Gawaz18 de out. de 1964
Shafiqa Al-QibtiyaShafiqa Al-Qibtiya14 de abr. de 1963
Kollohom AwladyKollohom Awlady23 de set. de 1962
The spiteful ManThe spiteful Man14 de mai. de 1962
The Black CandlesThe Black Candles13 de mai. de 1962
The StudentThe Student12 de nov. de 1961
Blood on the NileBlood on the Nile24 de jul. de 1961
Message To GodMessage To God01 de mai. de 1961
Dearest BelovedDearest Beloved03 de abr. de 1961
Money and WomenMoney and Women27 de nov. de 1960
The River of LoveThe River of Love12 de nov. de 1960
The Beginning and the EndThe Beginning and the End31 de out. de 1960
The Nightingale's PrayerThe Nightingale's Prayer07 de out. de 1959
Port SaidPort Said08 de jul. de 1957
A Voice From The PastA Voice From The Past24 de dez. de 1956
Where Did My Life Go?Where Did My Life Go?01 de jan. de 1956
Love and the Death PenaltyLove and the Death Penalty01 de jan. de 1956
Four Girls and an OfficerFour Girls and an Officer28 de mar. de 1954
The Bread SellerThe Bread Seller17 de ago. de 1953
Love In The DarknessLove In The Darkness08 de jun. de 1953
Esh Hado Ya NasEsh Hado Ya Nas20 de abr. de 1953
Fi Sharaa MeenFi Sharaa Meen12 de mar. de 1953
Ghadab El WaledainGhadab El Waledain17 de mar. de 1952
Mustafa KamelMustafa Kamel02 de jan. de 1952
Every house has a manEvery house has a man22 de set. de 1949
The Big HouseThe Big House28 de fev. de 1949
Chair of ConfessionChair of Confession01 de jan. de 1949
Angels in HellAngels in Hell01 de jan. de 1946
Layla in the darkLayla in the dark24 de fev. de 1944
The Straight RoadThe Straight Road17 de out. de 1943
Les MiserablesLes Miserables04 de out. de 1943
CleopatraCleopatra04 de mar. de 1943
A woman's heartA woman's heart06 de mai. de 1940
El DoctorEl Doctor23 de jan. de 1939
Sons of AristocratsSons of Aristocrats14 de mar. de 1932
Soad The GypsySoad The Gypsy30 de mai. de 1928