Anita Garvin
  • Gênero Feminino
  • Nascimento 11/02/1906
  • Local Nascimento New York City, New York, USA
  • Data Morte 07/07/1994 com 88 anos

Anita Garvin

Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Anita Garvin

Sunk by the Census Sunk by the Census 06 de ago. de 1940
Bested by a Beard Bested by a Beard 16 de jul. de 1940
Dois Palermas em Oxford Dois Palermas em Oxford 25 de jan. de 1940
Swiss Miss Swiss Miss 20 de mai. de 1938
A Dupla do Outro Mundo A Dupla do Outro Mundo 16 de jul. de 1937
Sleepless Hollow Sleepless Hollow 08 de mai. de 1936
While the Cat's Away While the Cat's Away 04 de jan. de 1936
Merry Wives of Reno Merry Wives of Reno 18 de abr. de 1934
His Silent Racket His Silent Racket 29 de abr. de 1933
Asleep in the Feet Asleep in the Feet 21 de jan. de 1933
Yoo-Hoo Yoo-Hoo 04 de out. de 1932
Show Business Show Business 20 de ago. de 1932
Murder at Midnight Murder at Midnight 01 de set. de 1931
The Skulls The Skulls 18 de abr. de 1931
Be Big! Be Big! 07 de fev. de 1931
The Chiselers The Chiselers 07 de fev. de 1931
Whispering Whoopee Whispering Whoopee 08 de mar. de 1930
Blotto Blotto 08 de fev. de 1930
Sally Sally 12 de jan. de 1930
Dinamite Dinamite 13 de dez. de 1929
Red Hot Rhythm Red Hot Rhythm 23 de nov. de 1929
Stepping Out Stepping Out 02 de nov. de 1929
Donzelas de Hoje Donzelas de Hoje 08 de set. de 1929
A Mulher Singular A Mulher Singular 27 de jul. de 1929
Modern Love Modern Love 21 de jul. de 1929
On With the Show! On With the Show! 13 de jul. de 1929
Movie Night Movie Night 11 de mai. de 1929
The Charlatan The Charlatan 13 de abr. de 1929
Trent's Last Case Trent's Last Case 31 de mar. de 1929
Off to Buffalo Off to Buffalo 16 de fev. de 1929
A Pair of Tights A Pair of Tights 03 de fev. de 1929
Going Ga-Ga Going Ga-Ga 05 de jan. de 1929
Feed 'em and Weep Feed 'em and Weep 08 de dez. de 1928
Imagine My Embarrassment Imagine My Embarrassment 01 de set. de 1928
Roaming Romeo Roaming Romeo 29 de jul. de 1928
Their Purple Moment Their Purple Moment 19 de mai. de 1928
Fandango Fandango 05 de mai. de 1928
From Soup to Nuts From Soup to Nuts 24 de mar. de 1928
The Battle of the Century The Battle of the Century 31 de dez. de 1927
Never the Dames Shall Meet Never the Dames Shall Meet 24 de dez. de 1927
Assistant Wives Assistant Wives 04 de dez. de 1927
Hats Off Hats Off 05 de nov. de 1927
Sailors, Beware! Sailors, Beware! 25 de set. de 1927
With Love and Hisses With Love and Hisses 28 de ago. de 1927
Why Girls Love Sailors Why Girls Love Sailors 17 de jul. de 1927
Baby Brother Baby Brother 26 de jun. de 1927
Forgotten Sweeties Forgotten Sweeties 10 de abr. de 1927
Upstream Upstream 30 de jan. de 1927
Two-Time Mama Two-Time Mama 29 de jan. de 1927
Many Scrappy Returns Many Scrappy Returns 09 de jan. de 1927
The Motor Boat Demon The Motor Boat Demon 02 de jan. de 1927
Raggedy Rose Raggedy Rose 06 de nov. de 1926
Move Along Move Along 24 de jul. de 1926
Creeps Creeps 30 de mai. de 1926
For Sadie's Sake For Sadie's Sake 24 de jan. de 1926
Fair But Foolish Fair But Foolish 29 de nov. de 1925
The Sleuth The Sleuth 30 de jun. de 1925
In the Grease In the Grease 20 de jun. de 1925
The Last Man on Earth The Last Man on Earth 02 de nov. de 1924