Eskandar Mansy
  • Gênero Masculino
  • Nascimento 12/10/1910
  • Local Nascimento Egypt
  • Data Morte 14/11/1989 com 79 anos

Eskandar Mansy

Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Eskandar Mansy

Eadam Taleb Tanawy Eadam Taleb Tanawy 23 de set. de 1982
The Sinners The Sinners 23 de set. de 1976
And The Time passed And The Time passed 13 de out. de 1975
Sabreen Sabreen 09 de jun. de 1975
The Grandson The Grandson 17 de mar. de 1975
Al Abtaal Al Abtaal 25 de mar. de 1974
Donia Donia 18 de mar. de 1974
Housing crisis Housing crisis 08 de mar. de 1972
Sweet Trip Sweet Trip 12 de jul. de 1971
5 شارع الحبايب 5 شارع الحبايب 12 de abr. de 1971
The Lost Love The Lost Love 20 de out. de 1970
End of the devils End of the devils 24 de ago. de 1970
Hayati Hayati 27 de jul. de 1970
العتبة جزاز العتبة جزاز 11 de ago. de 1969
7 Days in Heaven 7 Days in Heaven 07 de abr. de 1969
Seraa All Mohtafeeen Seraa All Mohtafeeen 03 de mar. de 1969
Marriage on the Modern Way Marriage on the Modern Way 14 de out. de 1968
The Headmaster Woman The Headmaster Woman 09 de set. de 1968
The Postman The Postman 15 de abr. de 1968
Three Stories Three Stories 12 de fev. de 1968
The Rebels The Rebels 02 de jan. de 1968
Days Of Love Days Of Love 01 de jan. de 1968
نورا نورا 25 de dez. de 1967
The Second Wife The Second Wife 14 de out. de 1967
El Ragel Da Hayganeni El Ragel Da Hayganeni 20 de fev. de 1967
The idiot The idiot 05 de jan. de 1966
Widow Wanted Widow Wanted 09 de dez. de 1965
Please, kill me Please, kill me 06 de set. de 1965
Al-modeer Al-Fanni Al-modeer Al-Fanni 03 de fev. de 1965
A wife from Paris A wife from Paris 24 de jul. de 1964
Kol El Regala Keda Kol El Regala Keda 09 de jun. de 1964
The Mother of the Bride The Mother of the Bride 23 de dez. de 1963
Schoolgirl's notes Schoolgirl's notes 04 de nov. de 1962
Kollohom Awlady Kollohom Awlady 23 de set. de 1962
El ashkiaa el talata El ashkiaa el talata 29 de jan. de 1962
Struggle of the Heroes Struggle of the Heroes 02 de jan. de 1962
I Won't Confess I Won't Confess 16 de out. de 1961
Dearest Beloved Dearest Beloved 03 de abr. de 1961
Al safira Aziza Al safira Aziza 30 de jan. de 1961
Teenagers Teenagers 05 de dez. de 1960
We the Students We the Students 02 de jan. de 1959
Sayedat el kasr Sayedat el kasr 17 de nov. de 1958
Return My Heart Return My Heart 10 de dez. de 1957
Miracle from heaven Miracle from heaven 19 de mar. de 1956
Hassan, Morcos and Cohen Hassan, Morcos and Cohen 31 de mai. de 1954
Foreman Hassan Foreman Hassan 23 de jun. de 1952
Abu halmos Abu halmos 27 de out. de 1947
The Lady's Game The Lady's Game 25 de fev. de 1946
Dreams of the Youth Dreams of the Youth 16 de nov. de 1942
Mr. Omar Mr. Omar 06 de jan. de 1941
The Will The Will 06 de nov. de 1939