Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Fong Yuen
O mestre Ying Ke-feng escolta carregamentos de prata para a capital todos os anos. Mas neste ano, em razão de uma doença, pede ajuda a dois jovens,...
25 de dez. de 1969
A Hong Kong historical drama
14 de fev. de 1957
A família Yu enfrenta a ira do Clã Dragão Verde, quando Ying (Cheng Pei-Pei) mata o filho, um estrupador e assassino, do chefe desse clã. O Chefe d...
18 de jun. de 1969
O príncipe foi capturado por invasores, e para salvá-lo os heróis terão que passar por vários desafios, entre eles quatro poderosos guerreiros (o h...
22 de dez. de 1971
Após a morte do patriarca em batalha e sem poder contar com o suporte do exército imperial, viúvas chinesas se unem para defender a sua terra de no...
27 de jul. de 1972
Chao Chih-hao se inscreve em uma escola de luta na esperança de ganhar um torneio de artes marciais. Mas quando seus dedos são esmagados por uma ga...
28 de abr. de 1972
Na Escola Espada Dourada, o órfão Fang Kang é desprezado pelos colegas. Certo dia, uma briga lhe custa um braço. Deprimido, ele é acolhido por uma ...
26 de jul. de 1967
21 de abr. de 1971
Fan Ke, é um arquiteto de Hong Kong que viaja para Tailândia a pedido de seu pai moribundo e em busca de seu meio irmão perdido há muitos anos. As ...
01 de out. de 1971
O Pequeno Wu "Jimmy Wang Yu" e sua companheira Lianzhu "Chin Ping" estão voltando para casa com a missão de destruir o "Alaúde da Fênix", uma arma ...
20 de abr. de 1967
The renowned Li Li Hua plays Wu Ze Tian, the most famous woman in China's four thousand year history.
23 de jun. de 1963
In this dreamy romance set in China during the fourth-century, a young woman convinces her parents to allow her to dress as a boy and attend univer...
03 de abr. de 1963
Linda Lin Dai and Fanny Fan join the dancing troupe of Kao Pao-shu. Linda and Kao's son Peter Chen, manager of the troupe, have misunderstandings a...
25 de fev. de 1961
Lei Li perdeu o braço direito em um duelo de espadas com o mestre de uma escola de artes marciais, há muito tempo atrás. Agora, ele é capaz de se d...
07 de fev. de 1971
Depois de prenderem um temido mafioso durante uma violenta disputa no submundo da Tailândia, no filme Duelo de Punhos, dois irmãos estão de volta e...
29 de fev. de 1972
Lo Lieh é um chefe de policia dedicado de sua aldeia, que se se apaixona pela filha cega de um bandido que está causando caos pela sua região.
30 de jun. de 1969
Pequeno Wu (Jimmy Wang Yu), é um jovem que vai para o Vale do Dragão, encontrar sua amiga de infância Jin Lian Zhu (Chin Ping), que lhe foi prometi...
10 de jan. de 1965
Fang Gang, o Espadachim de um Braço, tem uma vida tranquila até ser convidado por uma dupla de lacaios de um grupo de assassinos que desejam domina...
28 de fev. de 1969
03 de ago. de 2012
Cheng Pei-Pei é Yang Kai-yun, uma jovem que vive com seu tio numa estalagem nas geladas montanhas do Pinheiro Vermelho. Comprando suprimentos em De...
06 de ago. de 1971
12 de set. de 1964
Sworn-brothers expert martial artists are the targets of a mysterious killer, which seems to bear a grudge against them for what happened several y...
29 de out. de 1971
The lovely Li Hsiang-chun stars as a poor beauty who is drugged, ravished, lied to, locked in a burning store room, left to drown, and chased by sw...
02 de mar. de 1966
The noted actress Li Li-hua, star of more than sixty films since 1947, beautifully portrays the drugged, then disgraced wife of a peddler in the wa...
08 de ago. de 1963
Perhaps the most notorious concubine in Chinese history, Yang Guifei set a pudgy standard of beauty in her days of glory during the Tang dynasty. T...
31 de mai. de 1962
Renowned writer Shen Chiang had become so popular for his scripts that the studio let him direct as well. Here he continued his winning ways with t...
24 de set. de 1971
Dois mestres espadachins conseguem se infiltrar em campo inimigo para encontrar o príncipe da Dinastia Sung, que após a morte do Imperador, foi pre...
01 de dez. de 1973
Part two of the wartime love story
20 de jul. de 1966
Wei Fu é um lenhador aparentemente normal, mas quando vê sua família ser exterminada por saqueadores psicóticos, realiza um intenso treinamento de ...
30 de jun. de 1968
Desde o primeiro momento, quando os fabricantes de guarda-chuva rastreiam uma cortejo funerário que carrega um caixão vermelho com uma linda mulher...
14 de abr. de 1972
Um espadachim nobre luta para recuperar a espada mágica que protegeu seu país por séculos depois de ser enganado e traído por um vilão implacável. ...
23 de ago. de 1968
Quando um monge maltrapilho canta uma canção sobre o oficial corrupto que está indo para o sul carregando um tesouro que ele acumulou ao longo dos ...
16 de dez. de 1972
The Goddess of Hua Mountain is imprisoned for falling in love with a mortal, meanwhile her son is raised in secret until he can attempt to free her.
07 de jul. de 1965
A Huangmei opera produced by Shaw Brothers about a carp spirit who transforms into an identical copy of a beautiful woman to win the heart of a lon...
29 de jan. de 1965
It's a powerful melodrama about a thwarted romance in 1930s Tientsin, China, during the Japanese occupation, and it stars Linda Lin Dai, one of the...
29 de jun. de 1966
Paul (Zhang Chong) is a businessman who gets caught up in an international espionage plot when he accidentally switches briefcases with a friend ab...
27 de abr. de 1966
This gripping story centers on the romance between Wang Chin Lung and Sue San. Although they may be perfectly matched when it comes to their love f...
30 de set. de 1964
Depois que o Imperador Ming é derrubado e seu filho infantil colocado no cuidado da Sociedade Dragão Negro, um clã de artes marciais traidores comb...
13 de ago. de 1969
This Classic Seductive tale of two snakes who assume human forms will send chills of pleasure down viewers' backs. The Lovely Linda Lin Dai (Les Be...
02 de out. de 1962
Back in 1959, air hostess was considered one of the most glamorous and privileged occupations for young girls with a dream. This first colour produ...
04 de jun. de 1959
Tudo começa quando uma escola de artes marciais é invadida por uma gangue que domina o karatê. Depois de deixar vários alunos mortos e um lutador a...
27 de nov. de 1970
Fan Chia-soo is a kind-hearted student whose heart is captured by the sweet song of Shen Feng-hsien. However, he is not the only one who has eyes f...
17 de jan. de 1964
O filme retrata intrigas, conspirações e corrupção que acontecem na Corte Imperial Chinesa. O papel principal é do ator Chuan Yuan que nesse filme ...
05 de out. de 1972
Pei-Pei é membro da gangue de ladrões Hulu, que está em em busca de um mapa do tesouro pertencente a outro Clã. Eles atacam um santuário da Clã Mei...
17 de jul. de 1968
The winning couple of Linda Lin Dai and Peter Chen Hu light up the screen in the delightful Shaw Brothers musical Love Parade. The manager of a dan...
21 de jan. de 1963
The tragic love triangle of early 20th century Peking Opera star Chiu Hai-tang, his beautiful stage partner, and the warlord who forces himself bet...
26 de ago. de 1965
Andorinha Dourada (Pei-Pei Cheng) vive pacificamente com seu amigo (Lo Lieh) em uma cachoeira. Ela desistiu de seus métodos de lidar com a morte, m...
03 de abr. de 1968
Após o assassinato de seu pai nas mãos da organização Golden Knight, Yu Fei-Hsia é acusada de matar um membro do clã em vingança. Para provar sua i...
17 de abr. de 1970
Bandidos furiosos estão estuprando e pilhando várias aldeias chinesas pacíficas até que o mestre dos dardos Liu Wen Lung junto com um aluno, seu fi...
09 de mai. de 1968
THE MONKEY GOES WEST is the first entry in the studio’s epic, four-part screen adaptation of “Journey to the West,” a 16th-century novel recounting...
18 de jan. de 1966
Pequeno Wu e Lianzhu estão fugindo juntos quando veem algumas mulheres sendo capturadas. Eles tentam ajudar, mas caem em uma série de armadilhas do...
22 de dez. de 1965
A small village is taken over by the nasty Japanese, who kill the town's top kung fu fighter in order to scare the populace into submission. Escapi...
30 de dez. de 1972
The film tells the story of Tang Bohu, a famous scholar who spends most of his time wandering around the countryside.
23 de set. de 1969
Ling Bor plays Wen Fei E who is both an excellent academic as well as martial arts expert. Since her childhood days fond of dressing up as a boy, s...
23 de nov. de 1966
O filme conta a história da família Liu que foram exiladas de sua cidade natal para outro lugar depois que a cidade foi tomada por bandidos e a mai...
24 de out. de 1970
Spring Blossoms is a parable about the Chinese youth culture and what's important to the younger generation when it comes to romance. It starred a ...
18 de abr. de 1968
To marry her fiance Dong Jifang, Wang Danlin and her father Zhuoran take the cruise home to Hong Kong. The daughter fails to see eye to eye with he...
28 de abr. de 1960
Ling Bo is Lin, a young man engaged to the daughter of a rich man, who now despises Lin because of his family's declining status. Lin visits his be...
28 de out. de 1964
Movie queen Ivy Ling Po is ideally cast as a male scholar in this historical Huangmei Opera romance. It’s a tragic love story between the scholar a...
09 de nov. de 1967
Li Qingqing, an orphan, just arrives in Hong Kong and becomes a singer who sacrifices everything for her man.
12 de out. de 1961
Um templo, protegido por um cem número de armadilhas, abriga uma gangue de facínoras. Eles precisam ser detidos. Mas a qual custo? Após a morte de ...
17 de mai. de 1966
Seis espadachins, incluindo duas irmãs e seus maridos, roubam milhões de taéis de ouro guardado em um cofre seguro da Prefeitura de Datong, durante...
11 de jun. de 1971
24 de jul. de 1971
The Younger Generation is an ultra-tragic tale about a young girl, played by Ivy Ling Po who gets married, has five kids, then she and her husband ...
12 de mar. de 1970
A mystery caper of devilish fun, Temptress Of A Thousand Faces proves a femme fatale can match any man in wickedness. A mysterious thief has been c...
10 de abr. de 1969
The son of the town bully lusts after a local beauty in this action-filled thriller of the passions and violence to be found in a fishing village.
30 de out. de 1965
The plot follows a group of women who struggle in Hong Kong, most of them illegal immigrants from mainland China.
21 de set. de 1983
In a rare reversal of typecasting, Shaw Brothers' perennial bad guy Lo Lieh breaks tradition to play the honorable and noble swordsman in The Swift...
25 de ago. de 1971
Under false pretenses, Zhenzhen marries Mr. Lin, who happens to be her teacher. She wants to still study and wants to enroll in his school in Hong ...
08 de jun. de 1972
Love knows no limits in the grand period romance, Lady Jade Locket. A young fighter inadvertently falls for the spirit of a beautiful woman, who di...
09 de dez. de 1967
Um assassino contratado que, sem saber, se torna amigo de sua futura vítima, um chefe bandido cruel, uma cega gentil e um duelo de morte que explod...
11 de out. de 1968
Uma jovem estudante de Kung Fu procura um professor recluso para aprender a derrotar o malvado Demônio Negro. Ela não percebe que a criada com quem...
22 de jan. de 1971
The Ching Dynasty novel The Dream of The Red Chamber is not only the most widely read, but also the most filmed book in Chinese history. The sprawl...
02 de ago. de 1962
Shaw Production
05 de jan. de 1968
Spy thriller set in occupied Shanghai. Li Lihua stars as the woman who is thrust into the role of nationalist freedom fighter when she discovers th...
02 de dez. de 1965
A young girl runs away from her abusive father to join a group of circus performance, expecting that one day she would be a greatest trapeze artist...
25 de out. de 1967
The film tells a complicated love story. Carmen with Ke, Xiang Yi and Jiyuan. They start as a friend, but somehow a love triangle occur, and the ou...
27 de set. de 1967
The film traces the relationships that develop between the protagonist Xu and the three women he meets, set against the backdrop of the Second Worl...
08 de dez. de 1961
Ivy Ling Po plays the dedicated wife of a man being blackmailed for an illicit love affair, who uncovers a pit of deceit, double-crosses, extortion...
08 de abr. de 1969
Ivy Ling Po gives a startling performance as an abused wife who suffers through all his adulterous and treacherous ways in The Silent Love, which b...
02 de abr. de 1971
A member of the Red Peony troupe, singer Tang Pei Hua (Yeh Feng) is renowned for her beautiful voice and appearances. Her beauty, however, invites ...
22 de dez. de 1964
The socialite Pai Li-Lan's life is disrupted when she contracts tuberculosis.
27 de mai. de 1965
Return Of The Phoenix is yet another masterpiece from prolific director Li Han-hsiang. An imperial minister Cheng Pu (Ching Miao) is faced with a q...
24 de jul. de 1963
The story revolves around Tian Yu Quan (Chin Feng) who rushes to the aid of an elderly fisherman who is bullied by an arrogant relative of the Qiu ...
10 de mar. de 1965
Lawman Gong Tianlong captures vicious thief and murderer Guan Yunfei but an ambush by hired men sees the thief set free and Tianlong's whole family...
28 de jan. de 1972
06 de mar. de 1957
Ivy Ling Po, star of The Temple of the Red Lotus, tears up the screen as a jealous, murderous movie star, who, like seemingly all "film noir" vixen...
15 de jan. de 1970
Private eye Chang Wen Chiang receives a telephone call from his girlfriend Li Lan Hsing. He rushes over and finds her dying in a pool of blood.
11 de dez. de 1969
Chen Hou is a chauffeur who gets caught in a mistaken identity scandal linking him to businesswoman Lok Dai. Chen was supposed to audition for a jo...
12 de fev. de 1964
A musical staring Carrie Ku Mei as a singer named Xiaoyun Shi, who comes to Hong Kong after a tour of other Asian countries, hoping to develop her ...
28 de jul. de 1965
With her elegant classic persona, Li Li-hua was the ideal performer for period aristocratic and imperial roles. The Goddess Of Mercy is a good exam...
21 de mar. de 1967
A Shaw Brothers film starring Li Li Hua
19 de mai. de 1960
It seems that Li Zhenfei was once an imperial concubine, who often found herself competing with her rival Madame Liu for the emperor's sole, undivi...
16 de out. de 1965
Mysterious songstress Fang Biyu is loved by two brothers, Qiwei and Qijun. After freeing herself from the clutches of gangsters, she gives her hear...
25 de nov. de 1969
Three men and three women beguile, blackmail, bicker and backstab (sometimes literally) each other all the way to a shock surprise ending, in this ...
19 de mar. de 1970
Um espadachim jovem é encarregado de levar uma sociedade secreta patriótico para lutar contra um general traidor que conspiraram com o inimigo para...
13 de set. de 1967
Huangmei Opera movies like The Pearl Phoenix are unique to 1960's Hong Kong culture, a product of the Swinging Sixties but considerably more in tou...
04 de fev. de 1967
Crocodile River features Romeo And Juliet-flavored story. Families are against each other. Yodi is the Romeo and Lee Ting is his Juliet. The two st...
22 de jun. de 1965
Comedy of Mismatches begins with widow Sun who single-handedly raises her son Yu Lang (Chin Feng) and daughter Zhu Yi (Li Hsiang Chun). One day, Mo...
14 de mai. de 1964
Hsiao Yun's rise to fame all results from a lucky break, as she's forced to substitute for another singer at the last second. The girl makes the mo...
Shaw production
07 de jul. de 1968
This is the story of three ladies who live together in an apartment in Hong Kong and what happens to them. First, there is Shuxian, whose husband l...
10 de nov. de 1960
Yan Zi Fei e Guan Yue Hua estão voltando para casa apaixonados e planejam contar a seus pais, mas assim que voltam descobrem que há um conflito ent...
29 de jun. de 1972
Not a love triangle but a love rectangle, Rose, Be My Love is a romantic drama that represents the high standards achieved by Shaw Brothers in both...
28 de set. de 1966
A scholar woos the daughter of an important family, while outwitting rebels who try to capture her.
10 de nov. de 1965
The heroine, Liu Yanniang, is a beautiful and virtuous woman who is in love with her husband, Wang Zhengtu. However, because of her disagreement wi...
05 de set. de 1967
Julie Yeh Feng stars as Hsiu Hsiu, a beautiful singing shepherdess who falls head over heels in love with a handsome boatman named Liu Ta Lung. Unf...
15 de jul. de 1964
Su Fen, a young and frail girl, looked forward to her wedding with her fiancé, Li Kuo-liang. The happy couple's bliss was cut short when war broke ...
29 de mar. de 1967
The husband-and-wife team of Ivy Ling Po and Chin Han returned to another Huangmei Opera classic after Lady General Hua Mu-Lan. Helmed by Chow Sze-...
10 de dez. de 1964
Uma jovem mulher busca reunir cinco irmãos que foram separados ainda criança para se vingar do homem que matou o pai deles.
26 de mar. de 1970
Jimmy Wang Yu gets to flex his dramatic muscles in this contemporary Lo Chen drama. Wang is a detective's son whose attempt to punish a swindler le...
26 de jun. de 1970
Based on one particular storyline from The Water Margin, Three Sinners weaves an intriguing story of romance, treachery, and death, all within the ...
23 de nov. de 1963
In 1966, like in The Love Eterne, Ling Bo took up the male lead in Forever and Ever, despite Shaw Brothers' earlier plan of having her as the femal...
20 de jan. de 1968
Hong Kong drama directed by Lo Chen.
23 de set. de 1967
Monkey King, Pig and Friar Sand must rescue his master Buddhist monk from seven witches / spiders who believe themselves to be immortal if they eat...
21 de ago. de 1967
Uma espadachim temível conhecida como The Jade Raksha aparece no mundo das artes marciais e começa a matar pessoas cujo sobrenome é Yan.
14 de nov. de 1968
A melodrama about the blossoming love between two music students returning home from abroad and planning to wed. However, both of their parents do...
04 de fev. de 1970
After a trio of rogues murder her sister and leave her nephew for dead, a skilled swordswoman seeks revenge upon them and soon discovers she has a ...
14 de out. de 1971
Yeh Wei-fang, a rich young lady, flirts with her suitors and hopes it would make Shi Rongsheng, the cousin she loves, angry. But Rongsheng doesn’t ...
29 de mai. de 1957
A sweet inn-keeper's daughter falls in love with a woodcutter, but witnesses the woodcutter's brother raping her sister. Tragically, the sister com...
11 de abr. de 1967
Teenage idols Grace Chang and Jeanette Lin Cui played competitive university freshman fighting against each other for almost anything : fame, recog...
13 de fev. de 1959
Devotion, should be grim enough a lesson for my teenager in love. Little Kitty Ting Hao suffers due to social evils that ruthlessly rob her of the ...
21 de abr. de 1960
This is a musical about a young emperor who is lured via stories told to a place called Kiang-Nan by his royal tutor. The empress mother has the tu...
29 de jun. de 1959
O famoso roteirista Chiang Shen tem a primeira chance de dirigir sua própria criação nesta película de ação eletrizante e intensa. Sua história ret...
18 de fev. de 1970
Dr. Ho decides to move to a backward island off the coast of Taiwan to look for his missing father. He meets nurse Ya Lan (Cheng Pei-Pei) who falls...
05 de mai. de 1965
A noble swordsman and a one-armed swordswoman go up against the vicious Crimson Charm gang of thieves and cutthroats. The lovely and lethal Ivy Lin...
01 de jul. de 1971
Hong Kong musical directed by Lo Chen.
21 de dez. de 1966
Jenny Wu is a singer who charms the well-to-do Peter Chen, but his parents object to a union between their only son and a lowly cabaret singer. He ...
15 de mar. de 1966
Shaw Brothers comedy.
15 de set. de 1965
Nora Zain is a spy from Malaysia that been assigned to defeat diamond syndicate in Asia.
01 de jan. de 1967
The Weiss Advertising Co under manageress Lo Yu Chun (Pat Ting Hung) and the Jen An Advertising Co. managed by playboy Tsao Chung Nien (Peter Chen ...
14 de set. de 1966
THE KING WITH MY FACE (1967) offers a well-produced Shaw Bros. variation on Alexandre Dumas' famous tale, "The Man in the Iron Mask."
04 de jul. de 1967
About a woman who disguises herself as a man to take her father's place in the army.
15 de jun. de 1964
Jurang Bahaya film is a Malay film which was published in Malaysia in 1968. Jurang Bahaya issued in the form of black and white film without color ...
01 de jan. de 1968
The film tells the story of fishermen in a fishing village in the South China Sea, who have suffered from exploitation by Yan Jianping, the owner o...
23 de dez. de 1950
Early Shaw Brothers comedy
03 de dez. de 1958
Ivy Ling Po was at the height of her fame in traditional Huangmei Opera films -- and chiefly as a male impersonator -- when she radically changed h...
12 de out. de 1967
Teacher Huang San extends to his pupils the high principles of patriotism, thus arousing the hatred of the occupying Japanese. Huang is forced to f...
10 de ago. de 1948
Nurse Leng Shuxian is forced by family circumstances to marry Long Yusheng (King Hu), a grossly disfigured Quasimodo with a heart of gold. Shuxian ...
19 de fev. de 1960
06 de set. de 1968
07 de jan. de 1959
Wan Jialiang, a factory worker, and Lu Xiuzhen fall in love and live together. Hou Liang is supported by Dong Yaqin, his cousin, and their lives im...
04 de jul. de 1958
Tu Cheng Kang (Guan Shan) teaches at the Ta Tap Middle School where pupils are delinquent. Tu’s class is the worst. As the headmaster and his fello...
02 de mai. de 1969
Hong Kong crime drama thriller film.
10 de mar. de 1960
A woman in an arranged marriage falls in love with her husband's brother.
09 de abr. de 1964
Shaw Brothers drama.
28 de fev. de 1963
Mandarin-era Hong Kong film adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women.
05 de mai. de 1967
Romantic drama starring Lily Ho as a tourist in Singapore.
24 de set. de 1970
A Hong Kong wenyi drama.
30 de ago. de 1961
Tu Chang (Peter Chen Ho)’s boss Yeh Kuang Lung (Liu Kei) thinks highly of him and is prepared to give him his daughter’s hand in marriage. Lan Fen ...
17 de abr. de 1969
This is a Historical Drama that was written and directed by Doe Ching. It was produced by the Shaw Brothers Studio.
26 de nov. de 1954
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