Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Heikki Kossi
Nesta sequência, o vilão mais amado do planeta retorna e agora Gru, Lucy, Margo, Edith e Agnes dão as boas-vindas a um novo membro da família: Gru ...
04 de jul. de 2024
"Divertida Mente 2", da Disney e da Pixar, retorna à mente da adolescente Riley, e o faz no momento em que a sala de comando está passando por uma ...
20 de jun. de 2024
Um conto gótico de obsessão entre uma jovem assombrada na Alemanha do século XIX e o antigo vampiro da Transilvânia que a persegue, trazendo consig...
02 de jan. de 2025
Em uma cidade onde moradores do fogo, da água, da terra e do ar vivem juntos, uma jovem impetuosa e um homem tranquilo estão prestes a descobrir al...
15 de jun. de 2023
Quando um feitiço transforma seus pais em monstros gigantes, uma princesa adolescente embarca em uma jornada para reverter a magia antes que seja t...
22 de nov. de 2024
Quando suas obrigações a levam a uma fenda espacial anômala ligada a um revolucionário Kree, os poderes de Carol Danvers, a Capitã Marvel, se entre...
09 de nov. de 2023
A continuação das aventuras dos Minions, sempre em busca de um líder tirânico. Dessa vez, eles ajudam um Gru ainda criança, descobrindo como ser vi...
30 de jun. de 2022
No reino mágico de Rosas, Asha é uma moça perspicaz que faz um desejo tão poderoso que é atendido por uma força cósmica: uma pequena esfera de ener...
04 de jan. de 2024
Ambientado em um único lugar, ’Aqui’ acompanha diversas famílias ao longo de gerações, todas conectadas por este espaço que um dia chamaram de lar....
16 de jan. de 2025
A Pequena Garota encontra o excêntrico Aviador, que a introduz ao mágico mundo do Pequeno Príncipe. Neste mundo em que tudo é possível, a Garota ap...
20 de ago. de 2015
Roy McBride é um engenheiro espacial, portador de um leve grau de autismo, que decide empreender a maior jornada de sua vida: viajar para o espaço,...
26 de set. de 2019
Mostra a famosa cantora de jazz Billie Holiday (Andra Day) durante o auge de sua carreira. Então ela se torna alvo do Departamento Federal de Narcó...
26 de fev. de 2021
Uma história de amadurecimento profundamente pessoal sobre a força da família e a busca geracional do sonho americano.
10 de nov. de 2022
Um homem relembra um antigo amor da juventude e sua longa viagem de Taiwan para os EUA, enquanto se reaproxima da filha.
10 de abr. de 2020
As perguntas de um terapeuta e a visita a um volumoso arquivo propulsionam a dramatização de um dia na vida do músico e ícone cultural Nick Cave.
05 de jul. de 2014
In the 1970s, a British sound technician is brought to Italy to work on the sound effects for a gruesome horror film. His nightmarish task slowly t...
04 de abr. de 2014
12 de ago. de 2016
Uma zebra das mais inesperadas leva a seleção dinamarquesa de futebol à final europeia, mas agora a equipe precisa dar duro para ter alguma chance ...
11 de jul. de 2016
Um mural de sangue, uma enquete mortal nas redes sociais e um serial killer sinistro forçam o detetive Kari Sorjonen a enfrentar o caso mais difíci...
27 de out. de 2021
Chang, um ásio-americano de 16 anos, aposta com o astro do basquete da escola que consegue enterrar no último jogo da temporada. Com 1,72m de altur...
10 de mar. de 2023
Finlândia, 1962. O boxeador Olli Mäki compete pelo título mundial de peso pena. Muito talentoso e igualmente modesto, a vida na cidade pequena de O...
10 de ago. de 2017
Quatro crianças tornam-se amigas durante as férias de Verão. Fora da vista dos adultos, descobrem que têm poderes escondidos. Enquanto exploram as ...
03 de set. de 2021
David tenta desesperadamente manter sua família de seis pessoas unida durante a separação de sua esposa. Ambos concordam em ver outras pessoas, mas...
18 de jan. de 2023
As imagens da artista Lauren Greenfield em seu ensaio fotográfico "Generation Wealth" ganham vida nesse documentário que eleva sua crítica aos valo...
20 de jul. de 2018
Jaakko é cego e está preso a uma cadeira de rodas. Ele ama Sirpa, mesmo distantes um do outro. Os dois nunca se encontraram pessoalmente, mas se fa...
10 de set. de 2021
Naked Harbour is a movie about Finnish love in the year 2011. It is a story about people who seek love and acceptance at any cost. During one winte...
03 de fev. de 2012
Um terrível serial killer está aterrorizando Londres, enquanto o brilhante, mas desgraçado, detetive John Luther está atrás das grades. Assombrado ...
Um jovem baterista teme por seu futuro quando percebe que está gradualmente ficando surdo. Duas paixões estão em jogo: a música e sua namorada, que...
04 de dez. de 2020
Olavi, um velho negociante de arte, planeja se aposentar. Acidentalmente, ele descobre uma pintura antiga que suspeita ser muito mais valiosa do qu...
18 de abr. de 2019
A stubbornly traditional eighty-year-old farmer - whose social attitudes verge on the prehistoric - raises hell when he is forced to move in with h...
05 de set. de 2014
Acompanhe um renomado jornalista e documentarista mexicano que volta para casa e passa por uma crise existencial ao lidar com sua identidade, seus ...
27 de out. de 2022
Às vezes a pessoa que você menos espera pode ajudá-lo a encontrar seu caminho de casa. Um homem orgulhoso que vive em seu carro é inspirado por um...
01 de set. de 2010
O filme segue a companhia de metralhadoras do exército finlandês em Continuation War contra a União Soviética, 1941-1944. Baseado no best-seller de...
27 de out. de 2017
Um jovem paramédico, talentoso e dedicado, está enfrentando problemas em seu casamento. Sua esposa está farta de ele se importar mais com os pacien...
08 de jul. de 2021
Due to climate change a new race of flesh eating predators arise, who invade and eat everything living on earth. In a residential neighbourhood in ...
12 de set. de 2014
Uma jovem finlandesa foge de um enigmático caso amoroso em Moscou ao embarcar em um trem para o porto de Murmansk. Ela acaba forçada a compartilhar...
29 de out. de 2021
Cheia de dúvidas sobre o seu casamento, uma jovem mãe de Nova York se junta ao seu pai, um excêntrico playboy, para seguir os passos do seu marido.
26 de out. de 2020
Duas garotas em uma academia de balé de elite parisiense têm seus laços e corpos testados enquanto competem por um contrato para ingressar na compa...
24 de set. de 2021
De férias no Havaí, um casal de irmãos do Brooklyn se conecta com a família e as origens enquanto buscam um tesouro perdido.
29 de jan. de 2021
Uma chamada urgente puxa um estudante de Direito de Yale de volta para sua cidade natal em Ohio, onde ele reflete sobre três gerações de história d...
09 de nov. de 2020
A preparação dos tenistas Björn Borg e John McEnroe para a final de Wimbledon, em 1980. Enquanto o primeiro, sueco, tido como técnico e calculista,...
09 de nov. de 2017
Emma (Maria Palm) é uma modelo emergente no meio, lutando para conseguir um espaço no cenário da moda parisiense. Em meio a sua batalha por espaço,...
11 de fev. de 2016
Após o avião em que estava ter sido abatido por terroristas, o presidente dos Estados Unidos (Samuel L. Jackson) está ferido e perdido no meio de u...
27 de out. de 2015
Pelle Nohrmann, um garoto de 12 anos de idade, é mordido por uma formiga e logo começa a desenvolver misteriosos poderes. Com a ajuda de Wilhelm, u...
11 de nov. de 2013
Em um mundo sem água do futuro, Noria se torna a Mestra do Chá da vila seguindo as tradições de seu falecido pai e herdando uma verdade secreta que...
02 de set. de 2022
“This film documents an event that has never taken place…” With unprecedented access to the United Nations’ Office for Outer Space Affairs, leading...
26 de jan. de 2015
Based on the novel by Väinö Linna, the story takes place during the time of the Finnish Civil War.
04 de dez. de 2009
The Danish ambassador to Washington declares himself to be the sole representative of a free Denmark during the Nazi occupation of the country.
13 de ago. de 2020
"No meio da estrada de minha vida, me perdi numa floresta escura". Uma frase da "Divina Comédia" de Dante deu início ao show. Eu sou uma boa pessoa...
10 de out. de 2009
As crianças Vikings Røskva e Tjalfe embarcam em uma viagem de aventura de Midgard a Valhalla com os deuses Thor e Loki. A vida em Valhalla, no enta...
20 de ago. de 2020
Heli Valkonen is desperately in love with her husband. But Matti is just not in the mood. He is only interested in playing computer games, dressed ...
10 de jan. de 2014
The film follows Sanna, who sets out to document the countless ways there are to ruin a marriage for her doctoral thesis.
08 de fev. de 2013
Hanna is a 30 something single woman from Helsinki. She has a good job and great friends and has almost given up on finding the Mr. Right. One nigh...
27 de dez. de 2013
Aaron, a young misfit living in a remote Scottish fishing community, is the lone survivor of a strange fishing accident that claimed the lives of f...
18 de mai. de 2013
Nas profundezas das florestas do norte da Itália reside a premiada trufa branca Alba. Desejada pelos clientes mais ricos do mundo, continua sendo u...
18 de ago. de 2021
Famosa personalidade da TV, Bill Nye está se aposentando do seu show infantil para se tornar alguém mais parecido com seu professor Carl Sagan, ast...
10 de abr. de 2017
Bruce Robertson é um homem viciado em cocaína, misantropo, bipolar e obcecado por sexo.Ele também é um policial, responsável por investigar um assa...
10 de fev. de 2014
8-Pallo conta a história da mãe solteira Pike que, tendo acabado de sair da prisão, está tentando recomeçar sua vida. Quando seu ex-namorado Lalli ...
22 de fev. de 2013
Jill e Joy são duas garotinhas comuns, talvez um pouco mais alegres que as demais, pois vivem em um lugar especial, Rose Alley, em uma casa feita e...
27 de jan. de 2017
Em ‘Girl Picture’, as melhores amigas Mimmi e Rönkkö trabalham depois do horário escolar em um quiosque de smoothies, em uma praça de alimentação, ...
14 de abr. de 2022
05 de jan. de 2018
Uma jornalista encarregada de escrever sobre uma nova linha de metrô visita o local da contrução para entrevistar os trabalhadores. Quando chega no...
21 de mar. de 2019
Os chamados Capacetes Brancos são soldados voluntários neutros que trabalham em zonas de guerra resgatando e salvando vidas de sobreviventes. Mas a...
27 de fev. de 2017
Um ambicioso executivo é enviado para os Alpes Suíços para resgatar o CEO de sua companhia de um 'Centro de Cura', mas logo descobre que o local nã...
16 de fev. de 2017
Já se passaram dois anos desde que Johan Falk (Jakob Eklund) e Frank Wagner (Joel Kinnaman) quebrou sua cooperação e Frank terminou como disfarçado...
25 de set. de 2012
Quando Johan e seus colegas espionam a gangue de Seth, eles descobrem um caso grande e complexo. Eles observam que Seth está vendendo armas para te...
13 de jul. de 2015
Após vencer a sua primeira batalha contra o crime, o garoto-formiga precisa lidar com as repercussões da fama. Enquanto enfrenta um novo e perigoso...
16 de jun. de 2022
Um soldado da União, ferido em combate durante a Guerra de Secessão, acaba encontrando refúgio e um lugar para se curar dentro de um internato para...
24 de ago. de 2017
On the trail of a woman, Vares finds himself caught up with underworld characters who are on the trail of hidden millions.
23 de jul. de 2004
Super-talented footballing prodigy Martin is bought by top club Inter Milan, aged just 16. It’s the chance of a lifetime – but at what price?
22 de jul. de 2021
Dina, uma jovem que herdou a habilidade sobrenatural de ver os pecados e as fraquezas das outras pessoas olhando nos olhos precisa salvar sua famíl...
28 de fev. de 2020
Após a morte de sua esposa, o chef Cheng viaja com seu filho para uma aldeia remota na Finlândia a convite de um velho amigo que conheceu em Xangai...
10 de mar. de 2022
The Soviet army breaks through the Finnish defences on the Karelian Isthmus in June 1944, advancing with overwhelming force. Somehow, the Finnish t...
07 de dez. de 2007
Um delator tenta revelar o segredo por trás de um desastre nuclear que ocorreu durante o auge da Guerra Fria.
09 de abr. de 2015
Autumn in Estonia, where six people live, six solitudes, prisoners of the monotonous architecture of Soviet-era concrete buildings, in search of hu...
13 de set. de 2007
21 de dez. de 2012
07 de dez. de 2017
Ada, the pampered daughter of the Minister, crashes drunk with an immigrant and loses her memory. Ada starts dating the victim’s son, Toni, but the...
06 de jan. de 2010
Uma jovem em fuga é abrigada por uma velha senhora em sua casa. Unidas pelo puro acaso as duas descobrirão que tem muito mais em comum do que poder...
07 de set. de 2012
Enquanto Pelle (Oscar Dietz) está curtindo a vida com a sua namorada, Ida (Amalie Kruse Jensen), Loppen (Nicolas Bro) é solto da prisão e contrata...
Juha Berg is a 30-year-old hopeless drunk in the Kallio neighborhood of Helsinki. Juha doesn't have the first intention of changing his way of lif...
28 de dez. de 2012
Kim, Bella and Momo are three fourteen-year-old girls who discover a fantastic flower with magic qualities: by drinking its nectar they are transfo...
16 de out. de 2015
O Nascimento de Uma Nação conta a história de Nat Turner, que liderou uma rebelião dos escravos – tornando-se um dos atos mais influentes de resist...
10 de nov. de 2016
Luokkakokous is a story about three men that travel back to their hometown to attend their high school class reunion.
25 de fev. de 2015
In 1980's Helsinki, a city about to burst with young energy and rebellion, two young writers determined to conquer the world fall madly in love. Fo...
14 de out. de 2016
A story of a priest, who considers himself as a rebel is suddenly asked to run for bishop of Turku.
15 de set. de 2006
In Soviet-era Estonia, three young mavericks drop everything and flee to Sweden, but soon learn the free world is not all it's cracked up to be.
17 de fev. de 2017
Documentary centering on the controversial political career of Imelda Marcos, the former first lady of the Philippines whose behind-the-scenes infl...
08 de nov. de 2019
A young boy lives with his mother on a farm surrounded by deep forest in the remote wilds of the Finnish countryside. From time to time, the boy vi...
08 de dez. de 2008
Quando um jovem cientista procura uma maneira de salvar uma Terra agonizante, ela encontra uma conexão com um homem que está correndo para pegar o ...
18 de jan. de 2019
Milhares de anos atrás, na China antiga, um herói ferido à espada luta contra o seu destino. Ele quer outra chance de se reunir com sua amada e ele...
13 de out. de 2006
Forced to go legal, an outlaw pot farmer fights to preserve her way of life.
15 de out. de 2021
Euthanizer conta a história de um mecânico que sacrifica animais de estimação doentes e velhos como trabalho paralelo. Apesar do trabalho árduo, e...
24 de nov. de 2017
A coming-of-age story set across the lush wine country of both Australia and Spain, a young man explores the nature of father-son relationships and...
04 de jun. de 2021
Year 2095. The world is ravaged by ecological disaster. Oceans have risen and all natural freshwater is gone. Fang Rung has undergone molecular fis...
16 de nov. de 2017
Career woman finds out that her boyfriend is living a secret double life. She finds a bag of money and decides to make a run for it. She is accompa...
26 de fev. de 2016
Stuck in the suburbs of Helsinki, 20-year-old Markus plans on moving to New York, his sights set on pursuing streetball fame. With little money beh...
28 de fev. de 2014
The young man must set up a clear border between Finland and Russia, white and red, enemy and friend, us and them. While the task seems clear he fi...
30 de nov. de 2007
A young Iranian man is desperately trying to meet women who can secure his stay in Denmark. As time runs out, he falls in love and his past catches...
17 de mai. de 2018
Young anti-colonial idealist Wulff leaves for Danish Guinea to set up a coffee plantation but not everything goes according to plan.
02 de jul. de 2015
The body of a young woman whose heart has been ripped out of her chest is found in a remote are in Finland. The finder of the body, a dismissed pas...
06 de jan. de 2012
Stars above follows the stories of three women from the same family across three different decades. The main characters – Saima, Tuulikki and Salla...
02 de mar. de 2012
A man sent to Afghanistan years earlier converts to Islam, then returns home to fight a different kind of war.
27 de jan. de 2011
Jussi Vares falls in love with a beautiful brunette - only to lose her in a horrible way. After dating Sole a few weeks, her body is found in a bir...
16 de mar. de 2012
Johan Falk viaja para Letônia. O que ele encontra em Riga e escandaloso pra ele e pra uma nova chefe da unidade especial da polícia de Gotemburgo, ...
29 de jun. de 2015
Seven stories of women. Occasionally intersecting with each other in everyday situations. Parallel episodes of hope and abandonment, addiction and ...
05 de mar. de 2010
After finding a mysterious totem in a cave while on a hike with her friend, a wayward teenage girl goes missing.
01 de abr. de 2018
A small group of eccentric pioneers join forces, in order to do the impossible and create world history in the early 1980s of Denmark
30 de mar. de 2017
Akseli Koskela returns from prison and tries to learn living again. He's not allowed to take part in politics anymore, but he sees a lot of injusti...
24 de set. de 2010
Alguns homens infiltram a casa do engenheiro aposentado Arthur Jönsson à procura de alguns planos, pouco depois que os mesmos homens, ex-soldados s...
24 de out. de 2012
Jill and Joy (both 9) live in their own house like any other little girls, except that they might be a little happier than most little girls, as th...
09 de out. de 2015
Um tiroteio entre duas gangues rivais ocorre e quando o conflito piora, o GSI é acionado para ajudar. Enquanto isso, uma nova gangue está prestes a...
09 de out. de 2012
Em Helsinque, Ansa e Holappa, duas almas solitárias em busca do primeiro amor, conhecem-se por acaso em um bar de karaokê. Porém, o caminho dos doi...
20 de out. de 2023
12-year-old Clara is just like any other girl, until one day a mysterious black cat scratches her. Clara soon discovers that she can communicate wi...
01 de nov. de 2018
A coming-of-age story about a 14-year-old girl who works at a car mechanic's and hangs out with her friends. She challenges boundaries in her searc...
10 de abr. de 2015
1943: Nine-year-old Eero whose father is killed during the war is brought to Sweden to foster parents to his protection like thousands of other Fin...
30 de set. de 2005
Recovering from a nail gun shot to the head and 13 months of coma, doctor Pekka Valinta starts to unravel the mystery of his past, still suffering ...
26 de dez. de 2008
The paths of two girls cross one evening in Ljubljana. Tina, a Slovene, and Iben, a Danish girl of similar age, both experiencing some kind of turn...
22 de ago. de 2013
Três amigos de infância. Três irmãos juramentados. Um deles foi iniciado no sacramento e cresceu para ser um grande xamã. Os outros dois seguiram o...
04 de nov. de 2009
Pop singer Kari and his girl dump a tightly wrapped mattress on a frozen lake. Things don’t quite go as planned, and the two go to Kari’s old drumm...
07 de nov. de 2014
"The Cave" traz a poderosa história de um hospital subterrâneo que serve como refúgio para civis sitiados na guerra da Síria. No local, conhecido c...
18 de out. de 2019
Four Olympic gold medals, seven World Championship titles, four World Cup tour championships, and forty six World Cup circuit victories. Once his c...
13 de jan. de 2006
Os Moomins, pegos por uma tempestade, encalham na Côte d'Azur. Depois de um mal entendido, a melhor suíte do Grande Hotel é cedida a eles. Mas logo...
10 de out. de 2014
With few options, newly pardoned convict Leila agrees to work as an assistant to a blind pastor. Father Jacob spends his days answering the letters...
03 de abr. de 2009
Kummelin Jackpot, was released in February 2006. It was about a divorced man portrayed by Silvennoinen, who realises a way to trick himself a jackp...
17 de fev. de 2006
Lily (76) is sure there’s nothing wrong with her. The only reason she lives in a care home is because of her husband Max's illness: a series of str...
22 de out. de 2015
Nas profundezas das montanhas Korvatunturi, com 486 metros de profundidade, encontra-se o segredo mais próximo já guardado do Natal. Chegou a hora ...
03 de dez. de 2010
Legend has it that if a human man falls in love with a mermaid she will grow legs; legs that will, if she so desires, carry her far, far away from ...
01 de jun. de 2014
Emma and Joel get dumped by their partners on the same day, and when they meet each other they think they're a perfect match. Emma discovers she is...
28 de dez. de 2007
Kjetil, an offshore worker, is left with his six-year-old adopted son after his wife dies. To find out more about the boy's background Kjetil decid...
24 de fev. de 2017
Zaid (Dar Salim) é um médico bem-sucedido que perde seu irmão mais novo durante um assalto relacionado a gangues. Ele desiste de sua vida privilegi...
02 de ago. de 2018
Pasi returns to his childhood town, asked to reconfigure the local plywood factory. With a child on the way with his upper-class wife, Pasi sees an...
11 de set. de 2020
A young college student is found stabbed to death,and private detective Vares life takes an interesting turn when the girls family asks him to inve...
06 de jan. de 2011
Summer vacation has just begun. In honor of it, Serena Rapper and Lennart Lindberg decide to go on holiday. Ricky gets a new bicycle as a consolati...
12 de fev. de 2010
In the heat of the night, a man from faraway plays the piano. In the local hillside prison, a bitter double-crossed convict stares at the city life...
05 de ago. de 2011
A young mother of limited means puts everything on the line to pursue her dream of becoming a competitive runner.
19 de abr. de 2018
Aunt Fanny and aunt Serena try to find a suitable father figure for Ricky.
07 de fev. de 2014
A vida de Louis, um menino de doze anos, muda completamente quando a nave espacial de três alienígenas cai nos fundos do quintal de sua casa. Seu p...
25 de out. de 2018
25-year-old Iiris and Karoliina have been best friends since childhood. Karoliina has been travelling and living abroad for some years now, but is ...
01 de ago. de 2014
13 de mar. de 2015
2123. Faced with diminishing resources, the human race can only survive through a trade-off: at the age of 50, every citizen is gradually turned in...
30 de mar. de 2023
A romantic fairy tale about a 19-year old orphan girl who, as her sole inheritance, gets an antique key that unlocks both an old Italian villa and ...
16 de dez. de 2011
There is civil war in Finland between "Whites" and "Reds". A woman soldier of the Reds is captured by the Whites. She is ordered to be executed. A...
29 de ago. de 2008
Tough Finnish detective Jussi Vares gets hired by a friend at a newspaper to investigate a 15 year old mystery regarding the disappearance of 3 girls.
20 de abr. de 2011
The film depicts the last hours in the life of great Danish King Christian IV, told exclusively from a horse carriage. The focal point is Christian...
13 de dez. de 2018
Armi Ratia is the woman behind the legendary design company Marimekko and a worldwide celebrity. A theatre company has taken on the task of trying ...
20 de mar. de 2015
08 de mar. de 2013
Matti is 11 years old and dreams of a family vacation in his father’s native country, Finland. He manages to get what he wants by telling a whoppin...
Joseph Chambers é um vendedor de seguros e pai de família que quer ter as habilidades necessárias para poder cuidar de sua família no caso de um ap...
17 de fev. de 2023
The film is a comedy about Rasmus and Frederik, two Danish men in their 30s, who head out on a business venture. They know each other from a boardi...
09 de mai. de 2018
O filme nos leva para uma ilha no Mar Báltico no verão 1939. Aos 13 anos, Karl passou a trabalhar lá como assistente do faroleiro Hasselbond. Hasse...
01 de jan. de 2014
This rollicking sports comedy from Finnish director Markku Polonen follows the exploits of Seppo 'Sladi' Pesonen, an ex-top-tiered race car driver ...
27 de fev. de 2009
A love story set in the world of theater. Romeo and Juliet is to be the season's grand premiere. Noora, the female lead in the play, breaks her leg...
25 de jan. de 2008
After finding out that her husband cheated on her, Lise and her two daughters Ditte and Sigrid decides to go on vacation to Malta. The two sisters ...
25 de dez. de 2014
Headfirst is a black comedy about a single mother with anger management problems and her teenage daughter who is always in trouble at school. With ...
26 de dez. de 2014
Sakari and Veera get engaged, madly in love. Not long after, Veera asks Sakari to help her in a matter relating to her father, and in a way that co...
13 de jul. de 2012
Summer begins, Aku graduates high school and faces a great emptiness. As his girlfriend, parents and friends all leave the city, it looks to be the...
01 de abr. de 2011
Remu grew up in modest conditions. He dropped out from schoold during his teen age years and is making career as a small time criminal. His family'...
28 de set. de 2007
Taavi,the enigmatic 18-year-old lead, has just inherited his long-deceased wealthy parents home and estate. It is high school graduation and Taavi'...
24 de out. de 2003
Blind Spot is a story about the grey zones in mental illness; the blind spots hard to discover, as experienced by a mother realizing her daughter s...
24 de ago. de 2018
Pipsa wants a better life. She is sure that new breasts will help her to achieve it. But where to get the money for the surgery?
01 de set. de 2014
Mikko Virtanen feels like a Swedish soul trapped in a Finnish body. Full of disgust for everything Finnish, he sees Sweden as heaven. Upon meeting ...
19 de ago. de 2014
27 de jan. de 2012
When two best friends Jill and Joy find a huge sum of money on the street on the first day of the summer holiday, they decide to buy a house from t...
17 de jan. de 2014
A quiet staircase of an ordinary office building. Two colleagues, Markku, an older accountant, and Eeva, younger HR manager are heading down the st...
21 de dez. de 2019
The tango king Harry Koivikko was found dead six years ago in a sleazebag motel, with a knife is his back. The biggest manhunt in the county faded ...
05 de out. de 2012
A história de três irmãos que constroem juntos uma casa na árvore ao longo de um ano. O espectador vivencia a beleza e a brutalidade das estações e...
10 de fev. de 2022
The film tells about members of Finnish women's Lotta Service during the Second World War through the eyes of three young women.
02 de dez. de 2005
A drama between people under unconventional circumstances. In the Second World War Finland was the only nation who brought casualties killed-in-act...
09 de dez. de 2011
Newlywed Peppi (age 21) is about to embark on a honeymoon cruise with her husband and closest friends. The journey starts off in good spirits but t...
05 de dez. de 2012
19 de nov. de 2017
An comedy set in 1960s Helsinki. The story revolves around Elsa, a resolute hatmaker who is in complete control of her life. Besides running her sh...
04 de out. de 2013
The thorny relationship between a woman and her retired father worsens after he becomes romantically involved with the housekeeper she hires for him.
30 de set. de 2022
Every nation gets the heroes it deserves. A man with a special blood type is used as a device for human doping athletes skiing national team.
04 de dez. de 2013
19th century drama set on the plains of Ostrobothnia, western Finland, which are controlled by groups of knife-wielding thugs, the toughs. Traditio...
17 de fev. de 2012
A temporary house for abandoned children near the front line in eastern Ukraine is run by a small group of social workers determined to provide com...
09 de mar. de 2023
Adult Camp is a comedy about the bumpy road to personal growth. A group of men and women, strangers to each other, choose to spend a different kind...
23 de jan. de 2015
Finalmente está chegando o inverno no Vale dos Moomins. Este ano, diferente dos anteriores, a sensação é que a estação parece estar extraordinária,...
23 de nov. de 2017
A nurse traffics the ID cards of demented patients on the black market of identity theft. Driven by easy cash, and an addiction to morphine, she st...
01 de ago. de 2016
Four stories about Finnish life intersect. In the first one, drum artist Monkki Mähönen arrives for a renovation job at his old band mate's summer ...
19 de fev. de 2014
Viktoria é uma pesquisadora extraordinariamente disciplinada que investiga suicídios. Ela é convidada a ir a um hospital psiquiátrico para ajudar a...
19 de dez. de 2019
O que começou como um drama sobre uma conspiração da polícia russa para roubar um bilhão de dólares de um financeiro dos EUA e assassinar a seu fie...
25 de jun. de 2016
18 year old Juri is seriously addicted to online gaming, so much so he becomes isolated from his single mother and pushes his girlfriend to the bri...
20 de jan. de 2012
A solitary mountain man finds a young woman who has been beaten and abandoned in the woods. He makes her the object of his passion, but her dark pa...
07 de dez. de 2018
A celebration of a community of Argentine cowboys and cowgirls, known as Gauchos, living beyond the boundaries of the modern world.
25 de out. de 2024
A farce about blackmailing, a kidney transplant operation performed at home, deviants and human relationships.
12 de set. de 2008
Three brothers from three different mothers meet for the first time since years for their mutual father’s 70th birthday: nihilistic writer Ivar, fa...
18 de mar. de 2011
Ricky Rapper and Nelly Noodlehead leave for the island, where Fanny Rapper works as the resort hostess. At the same time, Uolevi Horsmaniemi arriv...
10 de fev. de 2012
After years of absence, Nica returns to her native village. Her grandmother’s olive trees are threatened by a bug infestation. Against her father’s...
03 de set. de 2020
The movie is about the Lokomo laborer, and group of friends that dreams come true and a thirst for fast-paced life that take decades.
25 de jan. de 2013
Taru lives with her husband and this teenage daughter Ninni. The family's life is shaken when Ninni has an accident and Ninni's biological mother a...
05 de set. de 2008
Vaarala, um fotógrafo romântico reservado, tem uma visão artística estranha da solidão: ele tira fotos em série de um banco de parque vazio em espa...
01 de fev. de 2013
O documentário oferece um olhar imersivo na luta dos indígenas Uru-eu-wau-wau contra o desmatamento feito pelos fazendeiros e colonos ilegais na Am...
08 de set. de 2022
Visa Vuorio, a 35-year old team leader at the Helsinki city gardening department, is suffering from a terminal neurological disease and only has a ...
20 de mar. de 2009
A story about the life of reindeer emperor Mosku in Eastern Lapland at the beginning of the 20th century, when social conditions and the practice o...
14 de fev. de 2003
A silent film about a sorrowful man who's searching for a buyer for his goods and acceptance for his existence.
13 de jun. de 2012
25-year-old Karri is stuck with his life: days at a job as a guard at a shopping mall, nights out with his friends. Then Karri meets Caasha, a Soma...
25 de set. de 2005
A woman's story of how she became involved in terrorist activities in the 1970s.
29 de jan. de 2010
Sixpack is a positive story on the outskirts of society. The story takes place in Helsinki on rock and following the advent of exclusion of the sto...
02 de set. de 2011
Despite peaceful speeches, the army of the Soviet Russian is attacking Estonia, and the country's government is declaring a mobilization for all. H...
01 de nov. de 2002
The director Lauri Nurkse tells that Veijarit is a film about "arjensietokyvyttömyys" (= inability to tolerate everyday life) and about the Peter P...
25 de dez. de 2010
A documentary film about Martta Koskinen, the last executed woman in Finland during the war in 1943. Martta was a Seamstress who lived in Helsinki ...
25 de set. de 2015
A história de uma tricoteira obsessiva que se esforça para continuar tricotando apesar de todos os obstáculos.
Croácia, 7 de janeiro de 1992. Durante a guerra, o corpo de um jovem jornalista é encontrado com o uniforme de um grupo mercenário internacional. D...
03 de out. de 2018
Jill and Joy receive a mission from their neighbors Tingelstein and Tangelstein: the ladies send the girls to look after their absentminded invento...
25 de dez. de 2018
During the Finnish war, highway robber Jeppe Antinpoika robs the Swedish king's treasure and the bag of precious stones remains hidden for 200 year...
23 de dez. de 2011
German Laura follows her husband and moves to Finland with their baby girl. Her days at home are lonely as her husband is constantly working.
23 de out. de 2009
Na cidade de Deli, os perigos da mudança climática são um problema do presente, não do futuro, para 30 milhões de habitantes lutando para sobrevive...
26 de nov. de 2021
Nightmare 2 – Painajainen jatkuu (Nightmare 2 - nightmare continues) is a sequel to the horror film Nightmare – painajainen merellä (Nightmare - ni...
03 de dez. de 2014
Sweden 1951. A new society is developing, a society where there is no room for the socially and mentally weak...
23 de fev. de 2007
A flock of storks fly in the misty sky, all carrying white bundles. One of the bundles falls and a little girl called Juniper ends up in a strange ...
Selja is in her thirties and lives in a shared flat with her friends. One day a boy appears at her door; a boy she gave up for adoption sixteen yea...
07 de ago. de 2015
In the land Kalevala, Väinämöinen and his troops defend the miraculous machine called Sampo against the invasion of Louhi, the queen of Pohjola, an...
15 de nov. de 2013
In every moment we make choices that define our being; choices that create shapes and patterns and carve out our lives. Until the pattern is broken...
07 de ago. de 2014
Eight-year-old Zoran is the hero of this story set in Skopje during the German occupation of the city in World War II. Through his eyes, we experie...
10 de set. de 2016
Mirccu has a dream job as the PR coordinator of a record company. When her boss, the music mogul Martin threatens to fire her, she is forced to fin...
23 de set. de 2011
One night in December 1995, 4 tons of weapons fall from the sky over India. A few days later a Danish man returns to Denmark with a grave secret. O...
04 de jun. de 2014
Michael lives in a housing project. He and his friends make music together. Michael is clearly the biggest talent in the group, and one day he is d...
08 de mai. de 2014
A blogueira de moda e estilo de vida Marja dá telefone e nome falso à Olavi , mas quando ela consegue um trabalho na empresa de catering de sua irm...
25 de mar. de 2016
Ida is a woman who was adopted to Finland from Africa as a child. Ida is an unemployed seamstress approaching her thirties and still lives at home ...
23 de jan. de 2009
Screenwriter Ilona falls in love with Kalle, the main star of the series, and mixes fact and fiction when she starts writing a romance between hers...
10 de fev. de 2006
A comedy of a Finnish man who falls in love, gets tangled deeper into a circle of lies and finds out that he has suddenly changed his name, nationa...
19 de dez. de 2003
A ravishing story about little Pete and his survival and growth in the gray area between love and fear.
06 de set. de 2013
After 81 days of solitary detention world famous Chinese artist Ai Weiwei is put under house arrest. He suffers from sleeping disorder and memory l...
30 de nov. de 2013
Urho Kaleva Kekkonen, the long-time president of the Republic of Finland, is scheduled to visit Alli’s Bar on his way to northern Finland. He is bl...
16 de ago. de 2013
Two eccentric scientists struggle to create eternal youth in a world they call “blind to the tragedy of old age.” As they battle their own aging an...
08 de mar. de 2014
The cleaner Vera works at a museum and is in love with her boss Ted. She is too coward to do something about it and wishes that everything would be...
01 de fev. de 2010
A documentary that unveils the primeval forests of Northern Finland, some of Europe's sole remaining, old-growth forests. The main characters of th...
Canned Dreams shows the multi-branching network of the modern food industry. The Finnish consumer buys a can in the grocery store, but where from f...
25 de jan. de 2012
The daughter of two famous writers, Helena upholds her late father's reputation, reciting his poems on various occasions and cherishing the memory ...
05 de dez. de 2008
A cinematic portrait of a small town stock car track and the tribe of drivers that call it home as they struggle to hold onto an American racing tr...
22 de jan. de 2018
"If buildings could talk, what would they say about us?" CATHEDRALS OF CULTURE offers six startling responses. This 3D film project about the soul...
29 de mai. de 2014
Young-Chan comes from planet of snail where deaf blind people live slow and quiet lives. When Young-Chan came to Earth, nobody understood his langu...
22 de mar. de 2012
Hunting for Hedonia explores how the burgeoning technology of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) will impact human identity and our sense of self. DBS is...
22 de mar. de 2019
Young Siiri is starting her life on her own. She wants to be independent and live a normal life, although she is mentally handicapped. She begins t...
11 de jun. de 2010
At the turn of the 19th and 20th century Finnish philologist G. J. Ramstedt travelled around Mongolia and Central-Asia. In this documentary Ramsted...
30 de jan. de 2018
An intimate portrait of a family coming to terms with decades of institutional abuse and the impact it has had and is still having on their lives.
It's Christmas Eve in Helsinki. Young taxi driver Samu is working to escape a family Christmas with his fiancé and baby. At the airport Samu picks ...
23 de set. de 2009
Ricky Rapper and Nighthawk Ricky find a buried treasure while digging for worms. Archaeological excavations begin at the site, and when a valuable ...
19 de fev. de 2016
Após 52 anos de conflito armado, a guerrilha das FARC está prestes a entregar suas armas em um movimento destinado a beneficiar os pobres. A socied...
30 de nov. de 2022
Behind the closed doors of the Copenhagen-based women's shelter, the women and children are slowly recovering after having escaped domestic violenc...
01 de nov. de 2017
This experimental nature documentary by Minna Rainio and Mark Roberts depicts climate change and the wave of extinction from the point of view of o...
28 de jan. de 2020
Documentary film about love, relationships and sexuality of elderly men and women. Five couples show how intimacy is still strong even though age a...
07 de ago. de 2020
In the winter of 1982, three American boys find themselves stranded in a cable car with a dead body, suspended midair in the mountains of Norway du...
03 de out. de 2024
Ricky Rapper is a ten year old boy who lives with his aunt Serena and likes to play drums and rap. His aunt breaks her leg, leading to cousin Fanny...
15 de fev. de 2008
Police officer gets back to work after getting a wheelchair. Nothing is the same and even the gun must be given away.
01 de jan. de 2011
Innocence tells the story of children who resisted to be enlisted but capitulated. Their stories were never told as they died during their service....
31 de ago. de 2022
Adam e sua esposa vão para sua viagem anual de swing para apimentar sua vida de classe média, mas conhecer a jovem Patricia compensa alguns problem...
22 de set. de 2016
Jed (19) walks out on his former life, without destination, without explanation, and gets on a train. He ends up by happenstance in a small eastern...
29 de jul. de 2011
The father of a Finnish family brings home a cute puppy, Stormheart. No one in the family knows anything about the dog. Little by little, the myste...
15 de ago. de 2008
Filmado em super 8 preto e branco, End of Summer é uma viagem hipnótica e lenta pelas paisagens austeras da ilha Geórgia do Sul e da Península Antá...
01 de nov. de 2014
Defence attorney Jane Fisher-Byrialsen is determined to put an end to interrogation techniques that pressure innocent people into false confessions...
17 de mar. de 2018
A caper comedy about two friends, Simo and Lasse, who try to earn their living as burglars. But now there's also Baby Simo.
14 de set. de 2012
Alma is a young ambitious woman working in her own small company in Barcelona. She is happy in life but constantly dreams of a bigger project that ...
04 de nov. de 2016
The documentary is a true story of four real intellectual Europeans from different cultures who are worried about the decline of literature’s life ...
13 de out. de 2017
A little Nenets girl Neko is taken against her will from her home to a boarding school in a remote Russian village. Forced to adapt to a foreign cu...
26 de fev. de 2010
O verão idílico da família Johansson chega à uma parada abrupta quando as mortes começam a acontecer por conta de variante do vírus da gripe. As au...
29 de set. de 2015
In this stylish Finnish drama, the secrets and desires of a family can no longer be suppressed. Mikko turns out to have a hereditary illness. Since...
09 de out. de 2009
Malla and her husband are drifting apart. When Malla gets a new daycare child, she understands how lonely she is.
11 de set. de 2013
A young Orthodox Jewish woman becomes ensconced in a nocturnal community of prostitutes and drug dealers that congregates in the ancient cemetery a...
12 de set. de 2015
The year is 2000 and investors are going crazy about a new mobile phone company called Riot Entertainment. Many high profile companies, like Nokia,...
12 de nov. de 2004
Lonely son of a Canadian preacher man Michael builds the first professional wrestling company in faraway Finland. Young transsexual wrestler Jessic...
05 de nov. de 2015
Em 1941, uma mulher estoniana e sua jovem filha lutam para encontrar seu caminho de volta a casa após serem deportadas para a Sibéria pelos ocupant...
16 de jun. de 2016
Na fronteira de um império comandado por um tirano existe uma pequena vila onde a vida é feliz. O local é comandado por Paavo. Certo dia ele é desa...
08 de set. de 2006
The entire world praised the military and Aung San Suu Kyi, when power was passed on to the democracy icon after 50 years of military dictatorship....
24 de mar. de 2019
My father from Sirius is a film about a boy who grew up believing his father is a messenger between the Earth and the outer space. Now the boy has ...
11 de nov. de 2016
There's a new detective agency in Dallas, Texas, started by three exonerated men, with decades in prison served between them. True Conviction is a ...
20 de abr. de 2017
Agnes and Ragnar, a couple in their late 20s, are planning to climb a mountain in Northern Norway. In this potentially deadly situation where trust...
12 de mar. de 2014
Ao visitar um parque de diversões com sua classe, Toni e sua colega Suvi descobrem os Rockssauros, criaturas que parecem dinossauros e que não pens...
27 de nov. de 2015
While heading to the war in the East of Ukraine, the Swedish war photographer Karin Holm encounters a young couple in Kyiv. The unexpected meeting ...
01 de jan. de 2018
A harsh and dreamy story of a young girl from the American West and her longing heart. Through Betty we experience a tight family clan of children ...
27 de jan. de 2020
01 de mar. de 2021
Siff, a student in sexology, find out her boyfriend Lucas and her close friend Maria is having an affair. Neither of them wants to break it up. As ...
11 de set. de 2014
An intimate verité film that follows students and educators at a groundbreaking new high school in Memphis. Their inspiring journey shows what lear...
23 de set. de 2023
Sorrow Tamers is a documentary about people who have chosen to face sorrow without avoiding it or running away from it. The film is about love, cha...
25 de fev. de 2022
Ilmari is escaping snowy Finland to go skateboarding in Barcelona, but a quiet evening at a house party escalades into misunderstandings, arguments...
12 de jun. de 2019
The adventures of three female wanderers on their journeys thorough the United States of America, who hop on freight trains to travel free. The par...
02 de dez. de 2019
Three Danish polar scientists tragically lost their lives during an expedition to North-Eastern Greenland from 1906-08. Only one of them was found....
16 de mar. de 2018
Alexander is about to embark upon a life of forced independence. Almost 18, he’s just finished school and it’s time for him to move on from the she...
28 de abr. de 2014
A hauntingly beautiful and unusual coming-of-age tale. Set in 1890, Iris's artist mother leaves Stockholm for the summer and sends her 9-year old d...
26 de ago. de 2011
In China more people are on death row than the rest of the world combined. The children of the convicts are often left alone, stigmatized and livin...
19 de mar. de 2017
Two men and one woman addicted to videogames are interviewed to tell their stories. In this documentary, they are animated characters resembling th...
26 de jan. de 2016
Have you ever known who was calling before you answered the phone, or felt you were being watched while in an empty room? Is it possible to exist a...
21 de mar. de 2017
When romance develops between a driver at the racecourse and his pupil, he has to choose: her, or his wife? But decision-making is not his strong p...
06 de dez. de 2013
During the Continuation War, there were dozens of POW camps in Finland. About the third of 70,000 prisoners died during the first year of war. Most...
02 de out. de 2011
No meio do deserto de Guajira, Doris, uma jovem Wayuu, exuma os restos de sua prima para conhecê-la pela última vez. Através de uma jornada sensori...
26 de jan. de 2019
In the 1860’s Alaska and Finland are simultaneously parts of the Russian Empire. A Finnish mining engineer Simon buys a Tlingit girl named Tsamo an...
17 de abr. de 2015
Re-imagined version of the now lost first Finnish film. Two siblings inherit all the essentials for a good life: moonshine equipment and a pig. As ...
23 de abr. de 2017
Anya was an ordinary Moscow teenager who found a chat group of her choice online. They talked about animals, the stars and social issues. A man cal...
10 de jun. de 2022
A group of children develop the possible society of the future on an overgrown building site in a deeply democratic film, which gives nature a voice.
04 de abr. de 2019
A Finnish dramedy about an 11-year-old boy dealing with the loss of his parents.
29 de ago. de 2014
A projectionist travels across Kyrgyzstan to bring the wonders of the silver screen to the people.
31 de dez. de 2000
Britt-Marie, uma mulher de 60 anos, decide deixar o marido e começar de novo. Tendo sido dona de casa a maior parte de sua vida e vivendo na pequen...
25 de jan. de 2019
A poignant portrait of a family of asylum seekers desperate to start a new life, but stalled in bureaucratic limbo.
07 de set. de 2019
August has to put up with quite a lot. Ever since his parents separated, his father no longer seems to have any time for him. To console him, his D...
Ricky Rapper gets a letter from a distant relative who's looking for an heir.
13 de fev. de 2015
An astronaut sends her young son a video message from outer space. In Mexico, a stripper dances night after night to keep a roof over her child’s h...
04 de mar. de 2015
Summer 1939 Little village Nurmo at the Finnish countryside is planning an international wrestling match that versus the whole world. But as autumn...
16 de out. de 2009
School audition in the 80's. Steve has been training very hard, but singing in front of an audience is not easy. It might be easier to behind the c...
14 de nov. de 2013
Há 20 anos, Bia entrou em coma no momento do nascimento de sua filha, mas isso não impediu que por todo esse tempo ela tenha feito parte do dia-a-d...
10 de dez. de 2021
27 de abr. de 2017
For the family members of murder victims mourning is often postponed indefinitely. To unlock the trauma and begin the grieving, a method called res...
30 de jan. de 2020
Time inevitably moves from past to future, passing the present moment. Mankind encloses to time its marks, stains and ruins. On the verge of vast c...
01 de set. de 2017
Did Ida's grandfather live a double life as a secret agent during the cold war? Ida and her father believe that their beloved father and grandfathe...
Three Navy SEALs leave their tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan with treatment-resistant, unrelenting psychological pain. They find themselves a...
29 de ago. de 2024
Man drags his girlfriend to hospital for abortion. A brat is a last thing needed right now. But sitting in a waiting room can change your mind.
09 de mar. de 2013
In South Central, Los Angeles, we follow the everyday lives of Brian, Juan, and Gianni who are affected by crime and incarceration. Fimmaker, Camil...
18 de mar. de 2017
Santeri (13) looks on as older guys are driving their motor bikes and wants to be part of their world. He combs his hair and goes to meet his frien...
14 de mar. de 2016
An intelligent thriller about how women claim their freedom in a cemetery named Sad Hill, known as the final scene of Sergio Leone’s iconic spaghet...
27 de set. de 2019
Filmmaker John Webster sets out on a road-trip with his imaginary great granddaughter in an attempt to understand the moral and behavioural choices...
25 de jan. de 2017
20 de abr. de 2016
A philosophical and poetic documentary about a female wingsuit base jumper. Wingsuit base jumping is an airborne extreme sport. The pilot takes off...
06 de nov. de 2015
In spring 1940, a soldier is returning from the Finnish Winter War only to face the Repo man. A struggle against society, nightmares and the tempta...
19 de set. de 2010
Ryuichi runs a small Japanese company "I Want To Cheer You Up Ltd" operating it from his mobile phone and his laptop. He rents out people: family m...
12 de ago. de 2012
A man is in the ocean fighting for his life. He is surrounded by seven boats.
Reconstruction tells about a certain night in 1982, reconstructed in 2020 by the people who lived it through together. The film combines dance, dra...
10 de mar. de 2021
An intimate and delicate exploration of the last months of the lives, loves and regrets of three women, from the moment they arrive at a hospice un...
10 de nov. de 2013
'Chikara - the Sumo wrestler's son' follows the 10-year-old Japanese boy, Chikara, and his struggle to become a Sumo wrestler. His father was a pro...
04 de jul. de 2013
This is a film about three couples that are drifting apart. A hedgehog falls in love with a balloon, but struggles to keep up his grooming routine....
10 de jun. de 2020
If the world has an edge, then it is almost certainly visible from Iceland. On the outermost cape, beyond which there is only the inhospitable Arct...
01 de mar. de 2020
Garden Lovers is a documentary love story about Finnish couples who have a passion for gardening. The film with comic undertones looks at their sto...
07 de mar. de 2014
The life story of the famous danish author Jakob Ejersbo is told as his two friends are struggling to reach the top of Kilimanjaro to spread his as...
25 de nov. de 2015
02 de dez. de 2015
A film about a couple moving into their first home.
27 de out. de 2006
The multi-award-winning Finnish documentarian Mika Kaurismäki, brother of Aki Kaurismäki (The Man Without a Past), helms the nonfiction work Sonic ...
25 de abr. de 2008
A film about the power and the beauty of architecture and about a middle-aged Nordic architect who, after loosing all in his life, wants once again...
12 de dez. de 2014
In 1917 Finnish explorer Sakari Pälsi travelled to Northeastern Siberia carrying a cinematograph and 13,000 feet of film with him. The journey prod...
07 de mar. de 2019
Director Mikel Cee Karlsson is working on a film with and about his best friend Mathias – a young father who one day reveals that he is living a do...
11 de out. de 2019
No choice but to walk home alone, Hannah sees an opportunity for a ride, but others see an opportunity in her.
24 de abr. de 2019
My Dear Mother is about the 15-year-old girl Dasha who lives in an orphanage in a small town in Russia. We follow her for five years, in all the th...
01 de dez. de 2019
2064. Cora, uma norueguesa, encontra um documentário inacabado no qual Benjamim, seu pai brasileiro, tentava investigar, 50 anos antes, a história ...
31 de jan. de 2021
Young fathers tell how they try to achieve contact with their unborn child. As it is impossible to have any visual connection, the only thing left ...
14 de jan. de 2020
Before undergoing reassignment surgery, a trans woman journeys home to confront her father, but she finds him unable to provide her the closure she...
20 de jul. de 2020
A man becomes obsessed by the sight of his own double in an Italian film from the early 1960s.
12 de out. de 2013
Song is a story of the last Finnish rune singer and his pupil, and the comforting power of singing.
11 de abr. de 2014
Elegance is a short film about a group of Finnish men, and the style and elegance of hunting partridge and pheasant. The film’s protagonists are al...
27 de jan. de 2016
Situada após a queda do Império, a série segue a ex-cavaleira Jedi Ahsoka Tano enquanto ela investiga uma ameaça emergente a uma galáxia vulnerável.
A teenage girl wish for her parents to get back together, when suddenly she meets a time traveling guy from the future. Together they try to change...
Norskov is a police drama that takes place in an industrial city in northern Denmark. The city is raw and unsentimental, and the financial crisis...
The Unknown Soldier miniseries expands the story of the 2017 film of the same name. The World War II series based on Väinö Linna's classic novel cl...
Cora é uma jovem escrava em uma jornada comovente e cheia de história pela liberdade, enquanto é perseguida por um perigoso caçador de escravos, Ri...
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