Hilda Gobbi
  • Gênero Feminino
  • Nascimento 06/06/1913
  • Local Nascimento Budapest, Hungary
  • Data Morte 13/07/1988 com 75 anos

Hilda Gobbi

Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Hilda Gobbi

Chickenhead Chickenhead 17 de out. de 1986
The Treasure of Swamp Castle The Treasure of Swamp Castle 11 de abr. de 1985
Ein irres Feeling Ein irres Feeling 23 de nov. de 1984
Zwei Nasen tanken Super Zwei Nasen tanken Super 14 de set. de 1984
Popcorn und Paprika Popcorn und Paprika 01 de jan. de 1984
The House-Warming The House-Warming 12 de ago. de 1983
Circus Maximus Circus Maximus 16 de out. de 1980
Kojak in Budapest Kojak in Budapest 05 de jun. de 1980
The Music's the Thing The Music's the Thing 27 de abr. de 1979
Mattie the Goose-Boy Mattie the Goose-Boy 07 de abr. de 1977
The American Cigarette The American Cigarette 19 de fev. de 1977
Martin Cuckoo Martin Cuckoo 01 de jan. de 1973
The Black City The Black City 26 de nov. de 1972
Junior Jr. Comes Junior Jr. Comes 26 de out. de 1972
Rabbits in the Cloak-Room Rabbits in the Cloak-Room 08 de jul. de 1971
The Wizard The Wizard 20 de dez. de 1969
The Talking Caftan The Talking Caftan 09 de jun. de 1969
The Heir The Heir 05 de jun. de 1969
Summer of Old Times Summer of Old Times 01 de jan. de 1969
Stars of Eger Stars of Eger 12 de ago. de 1968
Sparrows Are Birds Too Sparrows Are Birds Too 01 de jan. de 1968
Boys From the Square Boys From the Square 05 de set. de 1967
Nem szoktam hazudni Nem szoktam hazudni 10 de nov. de 1966
Story of My Foolishness Story of My Foolishness 20 de jan. de 1966
A Hungarian Nabob A Hungarian Nabob 01 de jan. de 1966
No Love, Please No Love, Please 02 de dez. de 1965
A helyseg kalapacsa A helyseg kalapacsa 13 de mar. de 1965
Eternal Dance Eternal Dance 26 de nov. de 1964
The Money-Maker The Money-Maker 08 de jul. de 1964
The Man of Gold The Man of Gold 13 de dez. de 1962
A Bus Does Not Stop A Bus Does Not Stop 19 de abr. de 1962
A Rainy Sunday A Rainy Sunday 06 de abr. de 1962
Until the Day is Breaking Until the Day is Breaking 01 de jan. de 1962
Red Ink Red Ink 07 de jan. de 1960
Yesterday Yesterday 18 de ago. de 1959
Sleepless Years Sleepless Years 21 de jan. de 1959
Sweet Anna Sweet Anna 06 de nov. de 1958
The Lady and the Gipsy The Lady and the Gipsy 21 de ago. de 1958
The Football Star The Football Star 12 de set. de 1957
Suburban Legend Suburban Legend 12 de ago. de 1957
Professor Hannibal Professor Hannibal 18 de out. de 1956
Professor, Please... Professor, Please... 01 de jan. de 1956
A Strange Mark of Identity A Strange Mark of Identity 13 de out. de 1955
Relatives Relatives 01 de jan. de 1954
A Strange Marriage A Strange Marriage 12 de ago. de 1951
Honour and Glory Honour and Glory 12 de abr. de 1951
Catherine' Marriage Catherine' Marriage 12 de ago. de 1950
Egy asszony elindul Egy asszony elindul 07 de out. de 1949
Mickey Magnate Mickey Magnate 09 de jul. de 1949
Janika Janika 19 de mai. de 1949
Sári biró Sári biró 01 de jan. de 1943
Üzenet a Volga-partról Üzenet a Volga-partról 01 de jan. de 1942
Doctor István Kovács Doctor István Kovács 05 de nov. de 1941
Yes or No? Yes or No? 26 de set. de 1940
The Lady is a Little Crazy The Lady is a Little Crazy 11 de out. de 1938
The Sun Shines The Sun Shines 01 de jan. de 1938
The Borrowed Castle The Borrowed Castle 26 de out. de 1937