Иннокентий Смоктуновский
  • GêneroMasculino
  • Nascimento28/03/1925
  • Local NascimentoUSSR
  • Data Morte03/08/1994 com 69 anos

Иннокентий Смоктуновский

Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Иннокентий Смоктуновский

Discovering HamletDiscovering Hamlet01 de nov. de 2011
3O EspelhoO Espelho07 de mar. de 2005
Dandelion WineDandelion Wine31 de out. de 1998
Podróż na wschódPodróż na wschód24 de abr. de 1997
White FeastWhite Feast01 de abr. de 1996
EnchantedEnchanted06 de jun. de 1994
I want to go to AmericaI want to go to America01 de jan. de 1993
The MurdererThe Murderer01 de jan. de 1993
GoldGold06 de jun. de 1992
The CaseThe Case31 de dez. de 1991
The Siege of VeniceThe Siege of Venice14 de nov. de 1991
GeniusGenius03 de mai. de 1991
Death LineDeath Line01 de jan. de 1991
MotherMother01 de dez. de 1990
A Trap for Lonely ManA Trap for Lonely Man01 de dez. de 1990
Ladies TailorLadies Tailor09 de mai. de 1990
DinaDina04 de jan. de 1990
Naval Cadets, Charge!Naval Cadets, Charge!06 de jun. de 1988
Restricted AreaRestricted Area01 de jan. de 1988
The Cabal of HypocritesThe Cabal of Hypocrites01 de jan. de 1988
Black CorridorBlack Corridor01 de jan. de 1988
Without SunWithout Sun19 de set. de 1987
4Olhos NegrosOlhos Negros01 de fev. de 1987
Mysterious HeirMysterious Heir01 de jan. de 1987
My Favorite TimeMy Favorite Time01 de jan. de 1987
The Last RoadThe Last Road26 de set. de 1986
Primary RussiaPrimary Russia31 de mar. de 1986
Hercules and AdmetusHercules and Admetus09 de fev. de 1986
Children of the SunChildren of the Sun31 de ago. de 1985
My Sister LucyMy Sister Lucy02 de jan. de 1985
Dead SoulsDead Souls19 de nov. de 1984
Two Under One UmbrellaTwo Under One Umbrella20 de dez. de 1983
PhenomenonPhenomenon06 de set. de 1983
Late loveLate love18 de abr. de 1983
The Queen of SpadesThe Queen of Spades21 de nov. de 1982
TheftTheft20 de mar. de 1982
Born by the StormBorn by the Storm01 de out. de 1981
Talking Hands of TravancoreTalking Hands of Travancore03 de ago. de 1981
Khalif the StorkKhalif the Stork02 de fev. de 1981
Little TragediesLittle Tragedies30 de jun. de 1980
With You I Am Again...With You I Am Again...01 de jan. de 1980
Caesar and CleopatraCaesar and Cleopatra31 de dez. de 1979
The BarrierThe Barrier11 de nov. de 1979
About a PuppyAbout a Puppy08 de fev. de 1979
Bells of AutumnBells of Autumn01 de fev. de 1979
EnemiesEnemies18 de dez. de 1978
Velvet SeasonVelvet Season08 de dez. de 1978
The SteppeThe Steppe01 de abr. de 1978
The Legend of TillThe Legend of Till03 de abr. de 1977
On Thursday and Never AgainOn Thursday and Never Again01 de jan. de 1977
FantasiaFantasia26 de nov. de 1976
The Princess and the PeaThe Princess and the Pea01 de nov. de 1976
TrustTrust20 de ago. de 1976
The Days of Surgeon MishkinThe Days of Surgeon Mishkin06 de jun. de 1976
The Cherry OrchardThe Cherry Orchard10 de mai. de 1976
Anna and CommanderAnna and Commander28 de nov. de 1975
Eles Lutaram pela PátriaEles Lutaram pela Pátria05 de nov. de 1975
Daughters-MothersDaughters-Mothers27 de mar. de 1975
Choice of PurposeChoice of Purpose01 de jan. de 1975
Romance for LoversRomance for Lovers10 de nov. de 1974
Teens in the UniverseTeens in the Universe05 de nov. de 1974
Moscow-CassiopeiaMoscow-Cassiopeia23 de set. de 1974
The Heron and the CraneThe Heron and the Crane01 de jan. de 1974
Taming of the FireTaming of the Fire12 de abr. de 1972
Tio VâniaTio Vânia01 de out. de 1970
Crime e CastigoCrime e Castigo28 de set. de 1970
TchaikovskyTchaikovsky31 de ago. de 1970
The Living CorpseThe Living Corpse11 de jul. de 1969
First LoveFirst Love09 de fev. de 1969
Degree of RiskDegree of Risk06 de jun. de 1968
The Little PrinceThe Little Prince06 de dez. de 1966
On the Same PlanetOn the Same Planet31 de out. de 1966
First VisitorFirst Visitor31 de out. de 1966
Last Month of AutumnLast Month of Autumn13 de jun. de 1966
Beware of the Car!Beware of the Car!22 de mai. de 1966
HamletHamlet24 de jun. de 1964
Mozart and SalieriMozart and Salieri19 de nov. de 1962
Nove Dias Em Um AnoNove Dias Em Um Ano05 de mar. de 1962
A Leap YearA Leap Year25 de dez. de 1961
Until Next SpringUntil Next Spring29 de abr. de 1961
Letter Never SentLetter Never Sent27 de jun. de 1960
The Night GuestThe Night Guest11 de nov. de 1958
Next to usNext to us05 de nov. de 1957
ShtormShtorm15 de out. de 1957
SoldiersSoldiers06 de dez. de 1956
Murder on Dante StreetMurder on Dante Street02 de jun. de 1956