Jiří Růžička
  • Gênero Masculino
  • Nascimento 08/01/1956
  • Local Nascimento Praha, Československo
  • Data Morte 20/02/1999 com 43 anos

Jiří Růžička

Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Jiří Růžička

Fontána pre Zuzanu 2 Fontána pre Zuzanu 2 18 de mai. de 1993
Trhala fialky dynamitem Trhala fialky dynamitem 19 de nov. de 1992
Sun, Hay, Erotica Sun, Hay, Erotica 01 de abr. de 1991
The Great Movie Robbery The Great Movie Robbery 01 de jan. de 1987
Give the Devil His Due Give the Devil His Due 01 de out. de 1985
The False Prince The False Prince 01 de jun. de 1985
The Halftime of Happiness The Halftime of Happiness 01 de fev. de 1985
Sun, Hay, Berries Sun, Hay, Berries 01 de set. de 1984
Sestricky Sestricky 01 de mar. de 1984
Fandy ó Fandy Fandy ó Fandy 01 de dez. de 1983
Zelená vlna Zelená vlna 25 de jun. de 1982
Sing, Cowboy, Sing Sing, Cowboy, Sing 12 de jun. de 1981
Požáry a spáleniště Požáry a spáleniště 27 de fev. de 1981
Svítalo celou noc Svítalo celou noc 03 de out. de 1980
How to Wake a Princess How to Wake a Princess 24 de mar. de 1978
Monkey's Playtime Monkey's Playtime 10 de fev. de 1978
This Is How Love Begins... This Is How Love Begins... 31 de out. de 1975
The Man from London The Man from London 07 de jun. de 1974
Three Wishes for Cinderella Three Wishes for Cinderella 16 de nov. de 1973
The End of a Priest The End of a Priest 10 de jan. de 1969
Naše bláznivá rodina Naše bláznivá rodina 07 de nov. de 1968
Anička jde do školy Anička jde do školy 16 de nov. de 1962