Jovan Janićijević 'Burduš'
  • GêneroMasculino
  • Nascimento18/05/1932
  • Local NascimentoMaskare, Serbia
  • Data Morte26/02/1992 com 59 anos

Jovan Janićijević 'Burduš'

Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Jovan Janićijević 'Burduš'

The Killer LadyThe Killer Lady27 de ago. de 1992
The Big FussThe Big Fuss27 de abr. de 1992
Be Damned, AmericaBe Damned, America01 de jan. de 1992
Sekula Innocent AccusedSekula Innocent Accused01 de jan. de 1992
TsubokTsubok01 de jan. de 1990
MigrationsMigrations21 de mai. de 1989
Uros the StupidUros the Stupid01 de jan. de 1989
Weird YearsWeird Years03 de out. de 1988
PalsPals23 de fev. de 1988
Sekula and His WomenSekula and His Women03 de mai. de 1986
The TombolaThe Tombola01 de jan. de 1985
No ProblemNo Problem29 de out. de 1984
Truckers Ride AgainTruckers Ride Again05 de abr. de 1984
The MothThe Moth04 de abr. de 1984
The Death of Black GeorgeThe Death of Black George23 de jan. de 1984
Shady BusinessShady Business01 de jan. de 1981
ManhuntManhunt28 de jun. de 1977
Special EducationSpecial Education28 de abr. de 1977
Massacre at NoonMassacre at Noon01 de jan. de 1975
Hell RiverHell River17 de jul. de 1974
The WindThe Wind12 de jul. de 1974
Requiem for a HeavyweightRequiem for a Heavyweight01 de jan. de 1974
NeighborsNeighbors03 de dez. de 1973
Mirko and SlavkoMirko and Slavko21 de nov. de 1973
Walter Defends SarajevoWalter Defends Sarajevo12 de abr. de 1972
A MiracleA Miracle01 de jan. de 1971
ZarkiZarki25 de nov. de 1970
BurdushBurdush15 de jul. de 1970
The Great DayThe Great Day24 de jul. de 1969
The BridgeThe Bridge01 de jan. de 1969
Shameful SummerShameful Summer01 de jan. de 1969
Downstream from the SunDownstream from the Sun01 de jan. de 1969
EscapesEscapes28 de jul. de 1968
Commandments for a GangsterCommandments for a Gangster21 de mai. de 1968
Out of StepOut of Step13 de fev. de 1968
The Tough OnesThe Tough Ones01 de jan. de 1968
There's Love, There's NotThere's Love, There's Not01 de jan. de 1968
Poor MariaPoor Maria01 de jan. de 1968
The FeastThe Feast01 de jan. de 1967
The Demolition SquadThe Demolition Squad01 de jan. de 1967
Children of Duke SchmidtChildren of Duke Schmidt01 de jan. de 1967
The ReturnThe Return13 de jul. de 1966
The Time of LoveThe Time of Love10 de jul. de 1966
The SoldierThe Soldier01 de jan. de 1966
Shoot and It Shall OpenShoot and It Shall Open16 de abr. de 1965
Yellow DevilYellow Devil20 de ago. de 1964
Two Nights in a DayTwo Nights in a Day01 de jan. de 1963
Šeki's Rolling, Watch Out!Šeki's Rolling, Watch Out!30 de mar. de 1962
Cat Under a HelmetCat Under a Helmet01 de jan. de 1962
As the Sea RagesAs the Sea Rages10 de nov. de 1959
That NightThat Night16 de abr. de 1958
Saturday NightSaturday Night31 de jul. de 1957
The PursuitThe Pursuit26 de mar. de 1956