Kate Toncray
  • Gênero Feminino
  • Nascimento 01/01/1867
  • Local Nascimento Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
  • Data Morte 06/12/1927 com 60 anos

Kate Toncray

Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Kate Toncray

Bobbed Hair Bobbed Hair 25 de out. de 1925
The Narrow Street The Narrow Street 04 de jan. de 1925
Lovers' Lane Lovers' Lane 10 de ago. de 1924
The Country Kid The Country Kid 29 de out. de 1923
Prisoners of Love Prisoners of Love 16 de jan. de 1921
The Charm School The Charm School 01 de jan. de 1921
Turning the Tables Turning the Tables 02 de nov. de 1919
Nobody Home Nobody Home 24 de ago. de 1919
Peppy Polly Peppy Polly 06 de abr. de 1919
Boots Boots 16 de fev. de 1919
The Hope Chest The Hope Chest 29 de dez. de 1918
Battling Jane Battling Jane 28 de set. de 1918
Up The Road With Sallie Up The Road With Sallie 01 de abr. de 1918
Hands Up! Hands Up! 28 de abr. de 1917
Stage Struck Stage Struck 25 de fev. de 1917
The Little Yank The Little Yank 14 de jan. de 1917
Going Straight Going Straight 03 de jun. de 1916
Little Meena's Romance Little Meena's Romance 09 de abr. de 1916
The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary 15 de mar. de 1916
Double Trouble Double Trouble 06 de dez. de 1915
Old Heidelberg Old Heidelberg 14 de nov. de 1915
The Lamb The Lamb 06 de nov. de 1915
The Americano The Americano 17 de jul. de 1915
For Her People For Her People 10 de dez. de 1914
Liberty Belles Liberty Belles 13 de mai. de 1914
So Runs the Way So Runs the Way 11 de out. de 1913
The Suffragette Minstrels The Suffragette Minstrels 18 de ago. de 1913
Under the Shadow of the Law Under the Shadow of the Law 07 de ago. de 1913
The Widow's Kids The Widow's Kids 04 de ago. de 1913
Those Little Flowers Those Little Flowers 31 de jul. de 1913
Red Hicks Defies the World Red Hicks Defies the World 09 de jun. de 1913
Highbrow Love Highbrow Love 26 de mai. de 1913
The Lady and the Mouse The Lady and the Mouse 26 de abr. de 1913
The Hero of Little Italy The Hero of Little Italy 03 de abr. de 1913
A Welcome Intruder A Welcome Intruder 24 de mar. de 1913
Love in an Apartment Hotel Love in an Apartment Hotel 27 de fev. de 1913
What Is the Use of Repining? What Is the Use of Repining? 30 de jan. de 1913
The Massacre The Massacre 19 de dez. de 1912
What the Doctor Ordered What the Doctor Ordered 04 de ago. de 1912
The Speed Demon The Speed Demon 14 de jul. de 1912
Iola's Promise Iola's Promise 14 de mar. de 1912
Under Burning Skies Under Burning Skies 21 de fev. de 1912
The Sands of Dee The Sands of Dee 21 de fev. de 1912
For His Son For His Son 21 de jan. de 1912
The Miser's Heart The Miser's Heart 20 de nov. de 1911
The Battle The Battle 06 de nov. de 1911
Love in the Hills Love in the Hills 30 de out. de 1911
The Long Road The Long Road 26 de out. de 1911
Her Awakening Her Awakening 28 de set. de 1911
The Rose of Kentucky The Rose of Kentucky 24 de ago. de 1911
Fighting Blood Fighting Blood 28 de jun. de 1911
The Primal Call The Primal Call 21 de jun. de 1911
The Manicure Lady The Manicure Lady 18 de mai. de 1911
Fisher Folks Fisher Folks 16 de fev. de 1911
A Salutary Lesson A Salutary Lesson 11 de ago. de 1910
A Flash of Light A Flash of Light 17 de jul. de 1910
The Little Darling The Little Darling 01 de set. de 1909
The White Caps The White Caps 14 de set. de 1905