Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Kenneth Muse
Mickey guest-directs a radio orchestra. The sponsor loves the rehearsal, but come the actual performance, Goofy drops all the instruments under an ...
20 de mar. de 1942
Mickey quer sair de férias de Burbank a Pomona, para isso precisa ir de trem. O condutor, Pete, não vai deixá-lo viajar com Pluto, por isso ele esc...
01 de nov. de 1940
At the home of Viennese composer Johann Strauss lived Johann Mouse. Whenever the composer played his waltzes, the mouse would dance to the music, u...
21 de mar. de 1953
Tom apaixona-se por uma gata e compete pelo amor dela com Butch, um gato muito rico.
06 de nov. de 1956
No curta, Pluto sente ciúmes do novo gatinho de Mickey, mas após um acontecimento inesperado, tudo muda e Pluto terá uma importante decisão a tomar.
03 de out. de 1941
O novo livro de Tom sobre "como apanhar um rato" não se revela muito útil contra Jerry; na verdade, Jerry parece utilizá-lo melhor do que Tom.
23 de nov. de 1944
Em honra aos militares dos EUA durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Tom e Jerry batalham no porão utilizando utensílios domésticos como armas de guerr...
26 de jun. de 1943
Tom enters from stage left in white tie and tails, sits at the piano, gets his focus as the orchestra in the pit beneath him warms up, and begins t...
26 de abr. de 1947
Tom é um pescador felino, Jerry é a sua isca viva, e Spike é o bulldog guardando o lago.
22 de fev. de 1947
Mickey e Pluto saem para uma tarde de golfe.
30 de mai. de 1941
Jerry está cansado da vida no campo e decide ir embora para a cidade grande.
07 de jul. de 1945
Enquanto Mammy está fora, Tom e seus amigos fazem a festa no sábado a noite, mas Jerry não consegue dormir e tentará fazer algo.
14 de jan. de 1950
Tom é um gato cowboy em um rancho do Texas. Quando uma gata bonita vem para uma visita, Tom usa Jerry como uma maneira de impressionar a dama. Natu...
11 de mar. de 1950
Donald vai a casa de Margarida. No entanto, seus sobrinhos também aparecem por lá.
07 de jun. de 1940
Em um esforço heróico, Jerry resgata Spike do apanhador de cães. Spike agradece dizendo-lhe para assobiar sempre que precisar de ajuda se Tom o per...
22 de jul. de 1944
Tom, whose appetite was whetted by a radio cooking program, wants to make a meal out of the pet goldfish. Jerry, who is friends with the fish, does...
03 de mar. de 1951
Mickey está pintando o mastro de seu navio, quando um pelicano começa a complicar sua vida. Enquanto briga com o pássaro, escuta no rádio que um na...
26 de abr. de 1940
Donald constrói um "Lavador Moderno de Cachorro" e Pluto tem de ser a cobaia desta nova invenção. Tudo que o Pato Donald tem que fazer é achar um j...
05 de abr. de 1940
Tom steals an egg from a mother duck's nest, but soon the resultant hatchling runs away from the cat and into a mouse hole, where it finds an able ...
07 de jan. de 1950
Jerry's eccentric uncle, Pecos, a Texan mouse, comes to spend the night with him before his musical performance on television the next day. He deci...
11 de nov. de 1955
Tom é esmagado por um piano e morre, mas suas más ações o impedem de ir ao céu. A única salvação é pedir uma assinatura de perdão a seu velho "amig...
09 de jul. de 1949
Tom, complete with mortarboard, is teaching a kitten the basics: "cats chase mice." But Jerry keeps subverting this lesson at every opportunity.
30 de out. de 1948
Tom se torna o mais legal dos gatos quando ele coloca um terno verde e laranja e tenta conquistar uma gatinha.
26 de fev. de 1944
Jerry agrees to help an escaped circus lion, whose first need is food. But first they'll have to evade Tom, who heard the news bulletin and is arme...
08 de abr. de 1950
Tom, a castle soldier in 16th century France, is assigned to guard the food laid out on a banquet table. Jerry and a smaller mouse companion, two w...
15 de mar. de 1952
Tom convida sua namorada Toots para um jantar elegante, mas comete o erro de colocar Jerry para ser o garçom e fazer outras tarefas.
05 de mai. de 1945
When a bulldog threatens Tom to keep away from his puppy, Jerry realizes that sticking close to the boy is the best way to keep away his feline tor...
01 de out. de 1949
The Bide A Wee Mouse Home has sent the orphan mouse Nibbles to spend Thanksgiving with Jerry. Unfortunately, Nibbles is always hungry.
01 de dez. de 1948
Mickey quer o bolo de Minnie, por isso ele se oferece para limpar seu quintal. Qundo ele está trabalhando, um tornado pequeno (menor do que ele) co...
14 de fev. de 1941
Tom is all set to eat Jerry when a hawk swoops down and grabs Jerry. To get Jerry back, Tom poses as a female hawk and quickly finds his new lover ...
22 de set. de 1945
Tom é um maestro no Hollywood Bowl, mas Jerry quer um pouco de espaço para si.
16 de set. de 1950
Tom's day at the beach doesn't start out well. First he gets his swimsuit caught in the door of the beach house, and doesn't realize it until his i...
12 de jul. de 1947
When Tom's harassment gets out of hand, Jerry writes to his Cousin Muscles, a tough inner city mouse, and asks for his help.
07 de abr. de 1951
Enquanto é perseguido por Tom, Jerry recebe ajuda de um canário, que o leva para sua casa no topo de um poste. Mas Tom dará um jeito de alcança-los.
12 de jan. de 1952
Tom has been out late carousing with his chums. When he gets home, Mammy won't take any excuses, and insists he stay awake; Jerry, overhearing, thu...
26 de mai. de 1951
Jerry removes a tack from Spike's paw. In gratitude, Spike gives Jerry a bell to ring when he's in trouble.
26 de jul. de 1952
18 de mai. de 1946
Minnie, Pato Donald, Clara de Ovos, Clarabela, Horácio e Pateta preparam uma festa surpresa de aniversário para o Mickey; o presente é um órgão ele...
07 de fev. de 1942
Tom ties up Spike and sneaks into the courtyard of the glamorous Toodles Galore with his bass, hoping to woo her with his song, much to the annoyan...
31 de ago. de 1946
Mammy Two-Shoes tells Tom and Butch that the cat who gets rid of the icebox-raiding, breadbox-invading mouse (Jerry) is the one who can stay.
30 de ago. de 1947
A baby woodpecker mistakes Jerry for his mother. The mouse rejects the newly hatched bird but soon finds himself protecting it against his feline n...
14 de mai. de 1949
Uma foca foge do circo e vai parar na casa de Tom, onde fica amigo de Jerry. Mas um prêmio para quem leva-lo de volta irá interessar ao felino.
14 de jun. de 1952
An alley cat is foraging for food when he sees Tom's house and decides it's a rich haul. He dresses as a foundling baby and lands on the doorstep. ...
14 de ago. de 1954
Tom inherits $1,000,000 from an eccentric aunt on the condition that he not harm any living thing - even a mouse. And guess which mouse keeps follo...
06 de mai. de 1944
Spike quer tirar um cochilo. Tom quer perseguir o Jerry. Cochilo e barulho não combinam. Então Spike ameaça Tom para que não faça barulho ou sofrer...
22 de dez. de 1945
Tom tenta jogar golfe, porém Jerry faz de tudo para atrapalhá-lo.
21 de jul. de 1945
Tom está a caça de patos e consegue acertar um, mas Jerry irá ajudar o pobrezinho a se recuperar e seguir voo com seu bando.
26 de fev. de 1952
Tom has amnesia and believes he's a mouse. Jerry, finding him more obnoxious as a fellow rodent than as a cat, seeks to cure him with a blow to the...
06 de out. de 1951
Tom, cansado de Jerry roubar o leite de sua tigela, o envenena. Em vez de matar o rato, a poção transforma-o numa fera muscular.
14 de jun. de 1947
Tom is in a pool hall after hours; as he soon discovers, Jerry is sleeping in the corner pocket. Tom chases Jerry around the table and the rest of ...
25 de nov. de 1950
Butch convinces Tom and Jerry that there's no reason to fight and they should all sign a peace treaty. Tom and Butch even rescue their pals from a ...
17 de jul. de 1948
Tom drowns in a lake and sinks to the bottom. There, he finds a mermouse, which he tries to capture and eat.
03 de set. de 1949
Tom é vestido e tratado como um bebê pela menina da casa e Jerry, para se aproveitar da constrangedora situação, traz em alguns gatos de rua para z...
25 de dez. de 1943
Tom se disfarça de cachorro e entra em um canil, perseguindo Jerry.
28 de out. de 1944
Tom is given the task of guarding the fridge during the night by Mammy-Two-Shoes, but as soon as he has started he is tricked by Jerry into falling...
15 de mar. de 1947
Tom is the official cat on the cruise ship S.S. Aloha, but he'll be kicked off if the captain finds even one mouse. That one, of course, is Jerry, ...
18 de out. de 1952
Tom has plans to take a nice long nap in a hammock, but Jerry has gotten there first and is snoozing happily, so the two fight it out to see who ge...
08 de dez. de 1951
Tom heads for a big city penthouse to become acquainted with a rich pretty female cat that lives there. He brings her Jerry as a gift and does some...
16 de jan. de 1951
Mama não aguenta mais as trapalhadas de Tom, incapaz de se livrar o rato, então compra um novo bichano mais rápido e esperto para substitui-lo.
18 de set. de 1948
Tom, agora morando em uma fazenda, arranja problemas com uma galinha enquanto tenta capturar o ratinho Jerry, que se esconde debaixo dela.
10 de out. de 1942
Tom is chasing Jerry again. In a panic, the mouse runs into the doghouse of little Tyke, the bulldog. Right next to the sleeping Tyke sleeps Spike,...
22 de fev. de 1957
Tom plays championship tennis against a cigar-smoking bully, but both cats find themselves battling Tom's much-abused lackey, Jerry Mouse, for the ...
10 de dez. de 1949
Mammy Two-Shoes concorda em tomar conta de três gatinhos aparentemente inocentes. Mas enquanto ela está longe para comprar o creme, o trio de pirra...
19 de abr. de 1952
Tom's in love again, and Jerry's devil conscience reminds him of times this has happened in the past (which, of course, we see, in the form of clip...
12 de abr. de 1952
Tom and Jerry are in a cabin in the wild west. Jerry's rustling food, so Tom's owner won't let him eat until he's gotten rid of Jerry.
30 de jan. de 1954
Nobody's home, so Tom invites his alley cat friends in to look at home movies (clips from earlier cartoons where Tom gets the drop on Spike). While...
14 de out. de 1955
Jerry is far from Tom's servant here. Tom, shipwrecked, washes up on a tropical island. His first attempts at food - a coconut and a turtle - are m...
07 de jul. de 1951
Jerry mantem correspondência com sua amada por cartas, e seu ajudante Nibbles é encarregado de leva-las, mas para isso tem que passar por Tom.
09 de set. de 1955
It's Independence Day, and Jerry's little nephew, Nibbles, wants to celebrate with fireworks, while Jerry reminds him to "keep it safe and sane." I...
01 de jul. de 1950
A young mouse arrives at the Parisian headquarters of the King's Mouseketeers with a letter from his father, François Mouse, asking Jerry to teach ...
18 de dez. de 1954
It's spring, and Tom is much more interested in the female cat next door than in Jerry.
30 de mar. de 1946
Jerry and his diapered little mouse friend flood the kitchen, then use the freezer to turn it into a skating rink. Even though Tom finds a pair of ...
04 de set. de 1954
Tom e outro gato disputam Jerry.
16 de jan. de 1943
Um patinho doméstico é deixado em casa enquanto todos saem para jantar, mas Tom também está com fome.
02 de mai. de 1958
Tom calls the exterminators, but they send a cat, who despite his various tools, doesn't fare much better than Tom usually does.
29 de jun. de 1946
Spike is building the doghouse of his dreams. However, Tom chases Jerry through the chassis of the house and also pulls a board off it to attack th...
29 de nov. de 1952
Jerry and his little French mouse friend are raiding while the king sleeps. They awaken him and he calls for Tom to give him an ultimatum: One more...
07 de mar. de 1958
Jerry Mouse befriends a newly hatched duckling who can't swim and ends up protecting him against his feline nemesis, Tom.
05 de set. de 1953
Mammy Two-Shoes threatens to throw Tom out of the house if he makes a mess. Jerry sees an opportunity to rid himself of his feline nemesis.
11 de dez. de 1948
A baby elephant rolls off the circus train and right into Tom's bed. He quickly allies himself with Jerry, and with a rolled-up trunk and some pain...
21 de fev. de 1953
Jerry and a friend overhear that Robin Hood is imprisoned; they set off to free him, but first they have to contend with his guard, Tom.
06 de jun. de 1958
Spyke e Tyke fazem um piquenique, mas são atormentados por Tom enquanto persegue Jerry.
30 de abr. de 1955
A moment after a bottle of white shoe polish pours on Jerry, Tom hears on the radio that a white mouse, having swallowed an explosive, has escaped ...
10 de jan. de 1953
Tom's being especially lazy, which makes it even easier for Mammy to toss him out when her new mouse-catching robot cat, Mechano, arrives. Mechano ...
06 de set. de 1952
Um apresentador de rádio infantil lembra a seus ouvintes para ser bom com os animais. Tom resolve ser gentil com Jerry, mas o gato muda de ideia de...
22 de out. de 1949
The couple that owns Tom and Spike decides they can't afford to keep both. They agree that the first one to catch the mouse can stay - bad news for...
20 de nov. de 1954
Jerry rescues a bag of puppies from the river. Most of them run away as soon as Jerry releases them, but one stays behind. Jerry tries to get rid o...
23 de jan. de 1954
O gato encontra um novo inimigo, o rato encontra um novo amigo: o canário da casa.
04 de fev. de 1948
A lost baby woodpecker, that believes Jerry is its mother, does everything it can to save the mouse from Tom, who is once again in pursuit. A Cinem...
23 de mar. de 1956
Tom projeta uma ratoeira melhor que deixaria Rube Goldberg com ciúmes. Enquanto ele dorme, o rato que Tom desenhou acorda Jerry e eles são persegui...
02 de set. de 1955
Tom chases Jerry through the streets of Naples; they meet a local mouse who recognizes them from their cartoons and shows them around. Meanwhile, s...
02 de out. de 1954
After Tom's mistress orders him to clean up the mess he made while chasing Jerry, Tom spies an ad for a cat needed as companion to an old lady. Tom...
27 de jan. de 1956
O amiguinho patinho de Jerry fez as malas e está pronto para voar para o sul no inverno, apesar do livro que Jerry continua mostrando a ele que apo...
12 de mar. de 1955
Tom filches a drumstick from a fresh-baked chicken. When Mammy is about to discover him, he hands it off to Jerry; this lets him be a hero to Mammy...
21 de out. de 1950
Donald has to work hard to save his garden and price-winning melons from a hungry badger.
12 de jun. de 1942
Tom settles in for a day at the beach with his sweety, accidentally ruining Jerry's day. Meanwhile, Tom's girl is paying more attention to the body...
07 de set. de 1956
13 de nov. de 1954
The Bide-a-wee Mouse Home sends two orphans over for a hike with Scoutmaster Jerry. Trouble is, the orphans, dressed as Indians, want to shoot arro...
17 de out. de 1953
Mail call. Nothing for Tom, but at Jerry's box, Tom finds a package; inside is a book, "Life with Tom" by Jerry Mouse. As Tom flips to chapters and...
21 de nov. de 1953
Spike acabou de lavar seu filhote. A perseguição de Tom e Jerry o joga em uma poça de lama. Spike obriga Tom a limpá-lo novamente e promete mantê-l...
08 de set. de 1951
When a duck hatches from the egg underneath Tom, the newborn (Little Quacker) is convinced Tom is his mother. Tom would like to eat the duckling; J...
19 de nov. de 1955
Tom pretends to have a cold in order to trick Mammy into letting him stay inside for the night. Jerry tricks Tom by making him think he really is s...
26 de fev. de 1949
The Easter bunny brings an egg for Tom and Jerry that hatches into the little duckling. He keeps getting into water he shouldn't: the aquarium, wat...
03 de jan. de 1958
The lady of the house has gone out for a few hours, leaving her baby in the care of a stereotypical 1950s teenager, who immediately begins calling ...
01 de ago. de 1958
Tom and Jerry need to repeatedly come to the rescue when a teenage babysitter, supposed to be looking after the baby, is more interested in talking...
04 de mai. de 1956
Tom's cousin George, who's terribly afraid of mice, comes to visit. Jerry's confused, since Tom and George look alike.
19 de abr. de 1957
Tom vende Jerry para uma loja de animais local que está comprando ratos brancos. Sim, Jerry é marrom, mas um pouco de tinta conserta isso. A dona d...
21 de mai. de 1955
Pluto is towing Donald and his little motorboat. He gets distracted by a frog, and the boat runs away from him. While Pluto is struggling with the ...
19 de jul. de 1940
Spike is showing his son Tyke how to barbecue when his cooking is disrupted by a typical Tom-and-Jerry chase.
14 de dez. de 1956
Mickey Mouse lies in bed like a lord, getting served breakfast by man's (and mouse's?) best friend Pluto as gentleman's gentleman. Next duty is to ...
28 de mar. de 1941
Jerry and Tuffy lead the quest to thanksgiving. All the sudden, Tom sneaks into the dinning room to destroy Jerry and Tuffy. So, Jerry, Tuffy and T...
07 de jun. de 1957
The Pink Panther stows away on the S.S. Luxitania, only to be chased by the ship's waiter (the Little Man).
16 de mai. de 1974
Spike explains to his son the rules of being a dog: 1: be man's best friend (begging, lying at feet); 2: bury bones; 3: chase cats. Just then, Tom ...
25 de abr. de 1953
A dancing bear escapes from the zoo and finds his way to Tom and Jerry's house. He dances with Tom, making it impossible for Tom to call the author...
12 de out. de 1956
Spike has just put Tyke to bed for his nap when Tom and Jerry chase out the door to Tyke's crib, waking him up. This gives Tyke an attack of hiccup...
17 de abr. de 1954
A Spanish cat is more interested in playing flamenco guitar than trying to catch the mouse El Magnifico (Jerry). Tom arrives from the States with w...
06 de set. de 1957
Tom has a chunk of the leftover chicken just before his owner George goes to look at the fridge. He threatens to take care of whichever animal did ...
01 de nov. de 1957
Made for the Community Chests of America, Pluto demonstrates his community spirit by donating his collection of bones.
06 de ago. de 1946
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