Людмила Максакова
  • GêneroFeminino
  • Nascimento26/09/1940 (84 anos)
  • Local NascimentoMoscow, RSFSR, USSR

Людмила Максакова

Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Людмила Максакова

VMayakovskyVMayakovsky12 de abr. de 2018
AttractionAttraction24 de ago. de 2017
Anna KareninaAnna Karenina01 de mar. de 2009
About Love In Any WeatherAbout Love In Any Weather11 de nov. de 2004
Mu-MuMu-Mu06 de jun. de 1998
The Days of a ManThe Days of a Man03 de jan. de 1989
Ten Little IndiansTen Little Indians31 de jan. de 1988
Trips on an Old CarTrips on an Old Car06 de jun. de 1985
Richard IIIRichard III18 de out. de 1982
The BatThe Bat04 de mar. de 1979
Father SergiusFather Sergius05 de set. de 1978
AutumnAutumn19 de set. de 1974
TouchTouch15 de abr. de 1974
The DuelThe Duel20 de dez. de 1973
Propazha SvidetelyaPropazha Svidetelya27 de mar. de 1972
АнтрацитАнтрацит17 de jan. de 1972
Princess TurandotPrincess Turandot31 de dez. de 1971
Not Under the JurisdictionNot Under the Jurisdiction25 de ago. de 1969
FaustFaust13 de mar. de 1969
Tatyana's DayTatyana's Day04 de mar. de 1968
Your ContemporaryYour Contemporary22 de jan. de 1968
The End of 'Saturn'The End of 'Saturn'10 de mai. de 1967
The Road to 'Saturn'The Road to 'Saturn'09 de mai. de 1967
Kremlin CourierKremlin Courier01 de jan. de 1967
There Was an Old CoupleThere Was an Old Couple11 de mai. de 1965
The Tale of Young SpousesThe Tale of Young Spouses01 de jan. de 1964