Leung Sing Poh
  • Gênero Masculino
  • Nascimento 01/01/1908
  • Local Nascimento Singapore
  • Data Morte 14/02/1981 com 73 anos

Leung Sing Poh

Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Leung Sing Poh

The Chase The Chase 15 de set. de 1977
Princess Chang-Ping Princess Chang-Ping 30 de jan. de 1976
Laugh in the Sleeve Laugh in the Sleeve 08 de fev. de 1975
The Paradise The Paradise 19 de jul. de 1974
Naughty! Naughty! Naughty! Naughty! 18 de jul. de 1974
Cheat to Cheat Cheat to Cheat 01 de mar. de 1973
Double Bliss Double Bliss 04 de fev. de 1970
The Spirits The Spirits 16 de jul. de 1969
Red Plum Pavilion Red Plum Pavilion 10 de out. de 1968
Tragedy of the Poet King Tragedy of the Poet King 30 de jan. de 1968
A Death Pass A Death Pass 09 de ago. de 1967
Beauty of Beauties Beauty of Beauties 22 de out. de 1965
The Story of Qin Xiang-Lian The Story of Qin Xiang-Lian 18 de jul. de 1964
Pink Intrigue Pink Intrigue 13 de jun. de 1963
It's Always Spring It's Always Spring 22 de fev. de 1962
The Stormy Night The Stormy Night 18 de mai. de 1960
Daughter of a Grand Household Daughter of a Grand Household 16 de set. de 1959
Butterfly and Red Pear Butterfly and Red Pear 16 de set. de 1959
The Legend of Purple Hairpin The Legend of Purple Hairpin 18 de fev. de 1959
The Story of Sima Xiangru The Story of Sima Xiangru 24 de mai. de 1957
Tonight and Every Night Tonight and Every Night 24 de ago. de 1956
The Haunted Pot The Haunted Pot 17 de ago. de 1956
Little Sweetheart Little Sweetheart 12 de jan. de 1956
Romantic Spell Romantic Spell 16 de abr. de 1953
Beautiful Matching Beautiful Matching 14 de nov. de 1952
Emperor's Nocturnal Sacrifice Emperor's Nocturnal Sacrifice 11 de set. de 1952
Mr. Country Bumpkin Mr. Country Bumpkin 14 de ago. de 1952
Cheung, the Dragon Boatman Cheung, the Dragon Boatman 26 de mai. de 1952