Raafat Raji
  • Gênero Masculino
  • Nascimento 05/06/1939
  • Local Nascimento Egypt
  • Data Morte 25/10/2010 com 71 anos

Raafat Raji

Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Raafat Raji

Best Laid Plans! Best Laid Plans! 09 de fev. de 1997
Abou Zeid of His Time Abou Zeid of His Time 11 de dez. de 1995
The Strongest Men The Strongest Men 24 de mar. de 1993
Al-Mufsdoon Al-Mufsdoon 15 de jul. de 1991
Samiha Badran's Case Samiha Badran's Case 17 de dez. de 1990
The Egg and the Stone The Egg and the Stone 26 de abr. de 1990
Hanafy Al Obaha Hanafy Al Obaha 26 de abr. de 1990
Help Us Help Us 05 de jun. de 1989
Arees Fe Al Yanaseb Arees Fe Al Yanaseb 20 de mar. de 1989
Nightmare Nightmare 06 de mar. de 1989
Monsters Run Monsters Run 09 de nov. de 1987
The Well of Treason The Well of Treason 13 de ago. de 1987
Four On An Official Mission Four On An Official Mission 28 de mai. de 1987
The Tiger and The Female The Tiger and The Female 14 de fev. de 1987
Rebellious woman Rebellious woman 31 de mar. de 1986
Al muntaqimun Al muntaqimun 18 de jun. de 1985
The Devil Sings The Devil Sings 03 de set. de 1984
Tit for Tat Tit for Tat 16 de jan. de 1984
Alsada Elmortashon Alsada Elmortashon 12 de dez. de 1983
Things against the law Things against the law 15 de fev. de 1982
We Are the Bus People We Are the Bus People 22 de out. de 1979
A Woman Deceived Me A Woman Deceived Me 20 de ago. de 1979