Sándor Suka
  • GêneroMasculino
  • Nascimento01/01/1921
  • Local NascimentoLupény, Romania
  • Data Morte17/09/1993 com 72 anos

Sándor Suka

Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Sándor Suka

Willy The SparrowWilly The Sparrow30 de mar. de 1989
A corneville-i harangokA corneville-i harangok05 de mar. de 1983
Mattie the Goose-BoyMattie the Goose-Boy07 de abr. de 1977
Innocent AssassinsInnocent Assassins23 de ago. de 1973
Weights and MeasuresWeights and Measures26 de jan. de 1973
The Black CityThe Black City26 de nov. de 1972
On Home GroundsOn Home Grounds23 de jan. de 1969
Sparrows Are Birds TooSparrows Are Birds Too01 de jan. de 1968
A Hungarian NabobA Hungarian Nabob01 de jan. de 1966
Othello in the ProvinceOthello in the Province01 de jan. de 1966
Story of My FoolishnessStory of My Foolishness06 de jun. de 1965
CollisionCollision21 de mai. de 1964
Az attasé lányaAz attasé lánya08 de ago. de 1963
A Bus Does Not StopA Bus Does Not Stop19 de abr. de 1962
Tales of a Long JourneyTales of a Long Journey02 de mar. de 1962
Two Half-Times in HellTwo Half-Times in Hell02 de nov. de 1961
Csutak and the Grey HorseCsutak and the Grey Horse27 de out. de 1961
Guns and DovesGuns and Doves13 de set. de 1961
A Certain Major BenedekA Certain Major Benedek08 de jun. de 1960
Crime at DawnCrime at Dawn04 de fev. de 1960
YesterdayYesterday18 de ago. de 1959
Our KidOur Kid01 de jan. de 1959
A Window on the SkyA Window on the Sky01 de jan. de 1959
SmugglersSmugglers23 de set. de 1958
A Quiet HomeA Quiet Home18 de ago. de 1957
Summer CloudsSummer Clouds11 de ago. de 1957
Merry-Go-RoundMerry-Go-Round02 de fev. de 1956
Underground ColonyUnderground Colony15 de set. de 1951