Tien Ho

    Tien Ho

    Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Tien Ho

    The Three Famous Constables The Three Famous Constables 01 de jan. de 1983
    Miraculous Sword Art Miraculous Sword Art 17 de set. de 1982
    Red Rattlesnake Red Rattlesnake 04 de mar. de 1982
    The Jade Badger The Jade Badger 01 de jan. de 1982
    The Silver Spear The Silver Spear 01 de jan. de 1980
    Veiling of Hidden Sword Veiling of Hidden Sword 01 de jan. de 1980
    The Romantic Double Rings The Romantic Double Rings 29 de dez. de 1979
    Love and Sword Love and Sword 18 de out. de 1979
    Wanderer with Nimble Knife Wanderer with Nimble Knife 03 de ago. de 1979
    Relentless Broken Blade Relentless Broken Blade 22 de jul. de 1979
    Flying Swallow Flying Swallow 21 de jul. de 1978
    Lost Swordship Lost Swordship 01 de jan. de 1977
    The Majesty Cat The Majesty Cat 03 de dez. de 1975
    Heroes in the Ming Dynasty Heroes in the Ming Dynasty 04 de fev. de 1975
    The Tongfather The Tongfather 10 de mai. de 1974