Zoltán Greguss
  • Gênero Masculino

Zoltán Greguss

Desculpe, mas ainda não temos uma biografia para Zoltán Greguss

Kojak in Budapest Kojak in Budapest 05 de jun. de 1980
There Was Once a Family There Was Once a Family 20 de abr. de 1972
Knight of the TV-screen Knight of the TV-screen 04 de jan. de 1970
A kormányzó A kormányzó 20 de dez. de 1968
Skylark Skylark 05 de abr. de 1965
The Man of Gold The Man of Gold 13 de dez. de 1962
Guns and Doves Guns and Doves 13 de set. de 1961
Sweet Anna Sweet Anna 06 de nov. de 1958
Tale on the 12 Points Tale on the 12 Points 07 de fev. de 1957
Professor Hannibal Professor Hannibal 18 de out. de 1956
Leila and Gábor Leila and Gábor 22 de ago. de 1956
Underground Colony Underground Colony 15 de set. de 1951
Liberated Land Liberated Land 30 de mar. de 1951
Iva the Nymph Iva the Nymph 30 de set. de 1943
Opium Waltz Opium Waltz 17 de jun. de 1943
Mountain Girl Mountain Girl 07 de abr. de 1942
Sirius Sirius 10 de jan. de 1942
Daughter of the Night Daughter of the Night 01 de jan. de 1942
Silent Bells Silent Bells 06 de set. de 1940
Two Nights of Maria Two Nights of Maria 04 de set. de 1940
The Five-Forty The Five-Forty 12 de set. de 1939
Uz Bence Uz Bence 18 de nov. de 1938
Sutyi, the Lucky Child Sutyi, the Lucky Child 01 de dez. de 1937
My Daughter Is Different My Daughter Is Different 14 de nov. de 1937