Elenco - A Sombra da Forca
Michael Redgrave
David GrahamAnn Todd
Honor StanfordLeo McKern
Robert StanfordPaul Daneman
Brian StanfordPeter Cushing
Jeremy ClaytonAlec McCowen
Alec GrahamRenée Houston
Mrs. HarkerLois Maxwell
Vickie HarkerRichard Wordsworth
Maxwell - the MPGeorge Devine
Barnes - the EditorJoan Plowright
Agnes ColeErnest Clark
Under SecretaryPeter Copley
Prison ChaplainHugh Moxey
Prison GovernorDickie Henderson
ComedianJohn Chandos
1st JournalistVernon Greeves
2nd JournalistArnold Diamond
3rd JournalistJulian Somers
First WarderAubrey Richards
Prison GatekeeperGwynne Whitby
Stanford's HousekeeperChristina Lubicz
Jennie ColeDervis Ward
1st MechanicDavid Lander
2nd Mechanic