Elenco - Afraid of Nothing, the Jobless King
Ha Kong梁詠琪
Law Nam葛民輝
Brother Jing林尚義
Director Tung江希文
Ah Sho黎耀祥
Mrs. Law's Manager鄒凱光
Ser's Assistant李燦森
Brother Iron姜皓文
DarkieChan Man-Lei
Jing's DadAlice Fung So-Po
Mrs. LawDavid Lee Wai-Sheung
Tung Ser林雪
Ser's Thug彭慧君
Law Nam's Cousin葉偉信
Mrs. Law's Worker陳潔玲
Ser's Girlfriend at Hospital胡楓
Ha Kong's Rich Godfather邱巧兒
Mrs. Law's EmployeeJohnnie Guy
Mr. Woody