Além da Liberdade
Além da Liberdade
Avalie este Filme:
Elenco - Além da Liberdade
Foto de Michelle Yeoh

Michelle Yeoh

Aung San Suu Kyi
Foto de David Thewlis

David Thewlis

Michael Aris
Foto de Jonathan Woodhouse

Jonathan Woodhouse

Alexander Aris
Foto de Benedict Wong

Benedict Wong

Karma Phuntsho
Foto de Susan Wooldridge

Susan Wooldridge

Lucinda Philips
Foto de Flint Bangkok

Flint Bangkok

Nyo Ohn Myint
Foto de Guy Barwell

Guy Barwell

Military Policeman
Foto de Antony Hickling

Antony Hickling

BBC journalist (voice)
Foto de Ko Ko Win Aung

Ko Ko Win Aung

Red Scarf Captain
Foto de Marian Yu

Marian Yu

Daw Khin Kyi - the Mother
Foto de Phoe Zaw

Phoe Zaw

Aung San - the Father
Foto de Donatienne Dupont

Donatienne Dupont

Marie-Laure Aris
Foto de Agga Poechit

Agga Poechit

Than Shwe
Foto de Htun Lin

Htun Lin

General Ne Win
Foto de Maung Maung Khin

Maung Maung Khin

Captain Myint
Foto de Day Thaitanium

Day Thaitanium

Win Thein
Foto de May


Mon Mon
Foto de Thein Win

Thein Win

U Kyi Maung
Foto de San Lwin

San Lwin

U Win Tin - Writer
Foto de Zaw Oo

Zaw Oo

U Tin U
Foto de Nay Myo Thant

Nay Myo Thant

Win Thein - Student
Foto de Victoria Sanvalli

Victoria Sanvalli

Ma Thein - Student