Blue roots
In the midst of the global environmental crisis, Jamie, a young Caribbean girl relocated to the city, must return to her native island, a world biosphere reserve, to take care of family property left behind by her father, including a mythical passageway said to connect the hill to the sea. Uprooted, Jamie intends to sell everything to pay for expensive medical treatment, however, her plans are postponed when her suitcase is temporarily misplaced with ownership documents. This incident buys her time to reconnect with the ways and customs of her people and eventually reconnects her with the sea, where swimming through plastic debris she is confronted with the dramatic global reality. Discovering her mythical maternal heritage, Jamie turns her actions into an example for the islanders' children and, rekindled by this small gesture of optimism, she finds the strength to challenge her fears, embrace her culture and fulfill her destiny.
Jamie Howard
Jaimie HowardDelia Edén
Delia EdénDionisia Gómez
Dionisia GómezLeandro Zúñiga
Leandro ZúñigaDiana Uribe
Diana Uribe