Fadel and Neama
Fadel and Neama
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Fadel and Neama

Fadel and Naema are an innocent couple that run a food truck business. The events revolve around Fadel, as he goes through many comic situations while managing the restaurant.

Detalhes do Filme
Título Originalفضل و نعمة
ReceitaR$ 548.974,00
Onde Assistir

Maged El Kedwany como: فضل زكريا

Maged El Kedwany

فضل زكريا
Hend Sabry como: نعمة السيد سنبس

Hend Sabry

نعمة السيد سنبس
Bayoumi Fouad como: فاروق

Bayoumi Fouad

Samaa Ibrahem como: مكارم مكنسة

Samaa Ibrahem

مكارم مكنسة
Mohamed Radwan como: المقدم عزت

Mohamed Radwan

المقدم عزت