0 voto(s)I Killed My Lesbian Wife, Hung Her on a Meat Hook, and Now I Have a Three-Picture Deal at Disney
A Return to Love. A Woman's Worth.A first-time feature-film director (who's also the writer and producer) is casting the lead actress. We meet him talking to his wife about the picture and the process. We meet the actress, Sandy, negotiating with her roommate and talking by phone to her mother. Then, we watch Sandy audition for the director at the call-back session; also attending are the casting director and the production company's sycophants. The wrinkle is that the director is a homicidal misogynist, his wife is tied up and hanging from the ceiling, and Sandy has something in her purse that bodes a rocky future.

Jay Lacopo
The Director
Karla Montana
The Actress / Sandy
Johanna McCloy
The Roomate / Martha
Robert Koch
Producer #1
Tommy Hinkley
Producer #2