0 voto(s)Musical “VERACHICCA”
Nora, the head of the prestigious aristocratic Verachicca family, lives surrounded by her distant relative Shion, her half-brother Kai, Shion’s sister Jo, private tutor Robin, her butler Winter, as well as her adopted children Clay and Maggie, and other adopted children. All of the vampires in the Verachicca family show an intense affection and attachment to Nora. Then, a new adopted child, Candy, arrives. When Candy gets caught up in the mounting game over Nora, the secrets of the Verachicca family are revealed.
Nora Verachicca松下優也
Shion VerachiccaFuruya Keita
Kai Verachicca愛加あゆ
Jo VerachiccaShotaro Okubo
Clay Verachicca