Elenco - S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine
Chum Mey
Himself (Survivor)Khieu 'Poev' Ches
Himself (Guard)Yeay Cheu
Herself - Him Houy's MotherNhiem Ein
Himself - PhotographerHouy Him
Himself - Security deputyTa Him
Himself - Him Houy's FatherNhieb Ho
Himself - GuardPrakk Kahn
Himself - the TorturerPeng Kry
Himself - DriverSom Meth
Himself - GuardVann Nath
Himself - SurvivorTop Pheap
Himself - Interrogator & TypistTcheam Seur
Himself - GuardMak Thim
Himself - S21 DoctorSours Thi
Himself - Head of Registers