'Still Life' at the Penguin Cafe
'Still Life' at the Penguin Cafe
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Elenco - 'Still Life' at the Penguin Cafe
Jeremy Irons

Jeremy Irons

Deborah Bull

Deborah Bull

Utah Longhorn Ram
Guy Niblett

Guy Niblett

Ram Partner
Bruce Sansom

Bruce Sansom

Texan Kangaroo Rat
Fiona Brockway

Fiona Brockway

Humboldt's Hog-nosed Skunk Flea
Phillip Broomhead

Phillip Broomhead

Southern Cape Zebra
Michelle di Lorenzo

Michelle di Lorenzo

Forest person
Jonathan Cope

Jonathan Cope

Forest person
Tracy Brown

Tracy Brown

Forest person
Stephen Jefferies

Stephen Jefferies

Brazilian Woolly Monkey
Nicola Roberts

Nicola Roberts

The Great Auk