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Friendship, love, and death are at stake in this game.

The year is 1750. Europe is in a ravaged state following a plague. Victor Moritz and Rufolf de Sevre are gamblers, frequenters of elegant casinos and fashionable brothels. Rudolf is a young aristocrat, charming and charismatic. His degenerate behavior has an animal intensity. Victor, though leading the life of libertine, remains to one side. He is a man of a refined taste despite his low birth and buys his noble title thanks to his gambling skills. Victor and Rudolf have been inseparable friends for years. Then two young, beautiful and innocent people - a brother and sister - enter their life...

Detalhes do Filme
Título OriginalSzuler
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Alice Adair como: Cornelia Granthomme

Alice Adair

Cornelia Granthomme
Michal Cicirko como: Little Rudy

Michal Cicirko

Little Rudy
Justin Deas como: Baron Rudolf de Seve

Justin Deas

Baron Rudolf de Seve