The Two Headed Dragon
The Two Headed Dragon
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The Two Headed Dragon

Shinjuku has become chaotic. Ryushin Takeda (Kio Osawa), a member of the Hanako clan, and Daisuke Tsurumi (Junichi Kawamoto), the assistant to the Wakagashira, have killed the chairman and Wakagashira of the family, and the two of them are wreaking havoc on other areas without any plot or blunder. . Hozumi (Nariki Nagahara), the young head of the Kurohime family and leader of the Hozumi group, who had the casino vandalized, moves to take revenge on Takeda and Tsurumi, but Ryutaro Dojima (Yasukaze Motomiya), assistant to the young head of the Kurohime family and leader of the Doryu group, tries to take revenge on Takeda and Tsurumi. ) got away with getting into a fight. Dojima became interested in the two, made Takeda and Tsurumi drink sake, and invited them as members.

Detalhes do Filme
Título Original双頭の龍
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