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0 voto(s)An Ordinary Woman
Marina is in her late 30s, she has a successful business and a close-knit family. Her husband is a surgeon and her daughters study at fancy establishments. To everybody her life seems perfect. Though, it is all just a facade concealing the real problems: her husband has a mistress, her elder daughter is a slacker and drug-dealer, her youngest is a sociopath. Well, Marina herself is not really a flower-lady, but a brothel-keeper who is hiding her dark business from everyone. The truth may come out when a girl of Marina’s is found dead.

Анна Михалкова
Марина Лаврова
Евгений Гришковец
Артём Лавров, муж Марины
Александра Бортич
Женя Краснова
Елизавета Кононова
Татьяна Догилева
Антонина Васильевна Лаврова, свекровь Марины