سمكة و ٤ قروش
سمكة و ٤ قروش
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سمكة و ٤ قروش

Rose and the four thieves, Fares, Najati, Qarni and Tarif, rob a jewelry shop located in the center of the country. Each of them tries to win the money alone, hiding the jewelry, and after being arrested try to access the jewelry.

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Título Originalسمكة و ٤ قروش
Onde Assistir

Jala Fahmi como: Warda Zaher Al Bustani

Jala Fahmi

Warda Zaher Al Bustani
Ahmed Adam como: Tarief Abdul Latif

Ahmed Adam

Tarief Abdul Latif
Inaas Mekky como: Weam, Tarif’s wife

Inaas Mekky

Weam, Tarif’s wife