Ashgal Shaqa
Ashgal Shaqa
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Ashgal Shaqa

The story revolves around the meeting of Colonel Mansour (Majed El Masry), the head of the Anti-Narcotics Bureau, with his old lover, Salma (Athar El Hakim), after her mother separated them. He became a police officer and never married, and she became an artist and married twice. They agreed to resume their previous relationship again. They were brought together by the presence of a drug dealer in her furnished apartment, and they agreed to cooperate together to bring down the prominent gang member, Emad El Moayed (Sami El Adl). Salma befriended him and introduced him to Mansour as the owner of a car showroom, which he exploits as a front for drug smuggling.

Detalhes do Filme
Titúlo Originalأشغال شاقة
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Foto de Maged Elmasry

Maged Elmasry

العقيد/ منصور العيسوي
Foto de Samy ElAdl

Samy ElAdl

عماد المؤيد
Foto de إنتصار


Foto de عبده الوزير

عبده الوزير

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