Back Soon
Back Soon
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Back Soon

How long does love last?

Back Soon is a story of love, loss, identity and hope. It follows the relationship between aspiring actor Logan Foster and reformed drug dealer Gil Ramirez, two men who find themselves inexplicably drawn together despite their disparate backgrounds, and the fact that they both regarded themselves as straight. However, their bond is soon threatened by Gil's mysterious past and a startling revelation about the true nature of their connection. Neither man is prepared for this, nor the impact it will have on their lives.

Detalhes do Filme
Título OriginalBack Soon
Onde Assistir

Windham Beacham como: Logan Foster

Windham Beacham

Logan Foster
Maggie McCollester como: Adrianne Foster (as Maggie Eilertson)

Maggie McCollester

Adrianne Foster (as Maggie Eilertson)
Artie O'Daly como: Spencer Donahue

Artie O'Daly

Spencer Donahue
Jake Christian como: Jamie Pulaski (as Bret Wolfe)

Jake Christian

Jamie Pulaski (as Bret Wolfe)