Dance with the Jackals
Dance with the Jackals
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Dance with the Jackals

Servet the accountant makes a plan to steal money from a client. He decides to get his brother-in-law Gökhan involved to use his account for the money transfer. When two more friends Meatball Necmi and Del Piero are added to the plan, things start going bad.

Detalhes do Filme
Título OriginalÇakallarla Dans
Onde Assistir

Şevket Çoruh como: Kayınço Gökhan

Şevket Çoruh

Kayınço Gökhan
İlker Ayrık como: Muhasebeci Servet

İlker Ayrık

Muhasebeci Servet
Timur Acar como: Köfte Necmi

Timur Acar

Köfte Necmi
Murat Akkoyunlu como: Del Piyero Hikmet

Murat Akkoyunlu

Del Piyero Hikmet