Duck Ugly
Duck Ugly
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Duck Ugly

The world of nursery rhymes has turned on its head. The three little pigs are monsters, the old woman who lives in a shoe has sold her children into slavery, and pieces of Humpty Dumpty still lie scattered all over the road. Duck Ugly and his motley army stage a mutiny...

Detalhes do Filme
Título OriginalCouac, le vilain petit canard
Onde Assistir

Gilles Coiffard como: Ramuncho (voice)

Gilles Coiffard

Ramuncho (voice)
Barbara Weber-Scaff como: Duck Ugly (voice)

Barbara Weber-Scaff

Duck Ugly (voice)
Kim Broderick como: Ladybird (voice)

Kim Broderick

Ladybird (voice)
David Gasman como: Simon (voice)

David Gasman

Simon (voice)
Mike Marshall como: Crooked Man (voice)

Mike Marshall

Crooked Man (voice)