0 voto(s)How Ivan Ivanovich fell out with Ivan Nikiforovich
How did Ivan Ivanovich quarrel with Ivan Nikiforovich? Ivan Ivanovich went to his bosom friend Ivan Nikiforovich, wishing to beg for the gun he liked. Yes, it didn’t work out. And in the heat of the argument, take Ivan Nikiforovich and call Ivan Ivanovich a gander. And take it and be angry. And what happened next ... Oh, what happened!
Николай Волков
Иван Иванович ПеререпенкоGrigoriy Lavrik
Иван Никифорович ДовгочхунIvan Markevich
городничий Петр ФёдоровичГеоргий Светлани
Антон Прокофьевич ГолопузGleb Glebov
судья Демьян Демьянович