Phone Police
Phone Police
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Phone Police

Hanging up on Crime

When the New York Phone Police department is shut down, Wheels and his team (Detective Domestic Jackson and Freddie Hicerstein) must find somewhere new to dish out their own form of cellular telephone motor car related justice.

Detalhes do Filme
Título OriginalPhone Police
Custo ProduçãoR$ 150,00
ReceitaR$ 400,00
Onde Assistir

Daniel Gilbert como: Michael 'Wheels' Carter

Daniel Gilbert

Michael 'Wheels' Carter
Adam Shaw como: Freddie 'Hic' Hicerstein

Adam Shaw

Freddie 'Hic' Hicerstein
Michael Lee como: Detective Domestic Jackson

Michael Lee

Detective Domestic Jackson
Nick Pritchard como: James 'Hook' McCoy

Nick Pritchard

James 'Hook' McCoy