Starring Myself
Starring Myself
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Starring Myself

A depressed entertainer wants to conquer the stages of the world. He has only one problem: no one knows him. His ambitious sister wants to change that. She organizes a film crew to record his glamorous rise, but instead deep abysses reveal themselves behind the facade.

Detalhes do Filme
Titúlo OriginalBis es mich gibt
Onde Assistir

Johannes Dullin como: Ricky Sokatani

Johannes Dullin

Ricky Sokatani
Karin Hanczewski como: Tanja Freitag

Karin Hanczewski

Tanja Freitag
Gisa Flake como: Hanna Salami

Gisa Flake

Hanna Salami
David Zimmerschied como: Jamie Röhrenkamp

David Zimmerschied

Jamie Röhrenkamp
Petra Morzé como: Renate Freitag

Petra Morzé

Renate Freitag