The Avenger
The Avenger
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The Avenger

Hämnaren (The Avenger) was made in 1915, and was rediscovered in Berlin in 2001. It begins with a woman named Ester, who is reading a letter and crying. The letter says that a man named George won't marry her, because he knows his father would never allow him to marry a Jewish woman. Ester dies of childbirth, and possibly a broken heart. Her suitor Jakob takes care of her son, who is named Josef, and sends George a note, accusing him of causing her death

Detalhes do Filme
Título OriginalHämnaren
Onde Assistir

Wilhelm Hansson como: Georg Vide

Wilhelm Hansson

Georg Vide
Edmond Hansen como: Ester's father

Edmond Hansen

Ester's father
John Ekman como: Jacob Kahn, Ester's cousin

John Ekman

Jacob Kahn, Ester's cousin