Elenco - The Blood Is the Life

Night Kisses
Tymisha "Tush" Harris
Self (The Blood is the Life!)
Lilith Beest
Self (behind-the-scenes)
Joseph Cacciola
Self (behind-the-scenes)
Julia Cacciola
Self (behind-the-scenes)
Mathieu Cunha
Self (behind-the-scenes)
Simone de Boudoir
Naga (archive footage)
Joel Edinberg
Self (The Blood is the Life!)
Aurora Grabill
Carmilla (archive footage)
Kevin F. Harrington
Self (behind-the-scenes)
Sindy Katrotic
Self (behind-the-scenes)
Shannon Keelan
Hadria (archive footage)
Sean M. Kennedy
Self (behind-the-scenes)
Rebecca Kopycinski
Self (The Blood is the Life!)
Maggie Maraschino
Nephite Ruthven (archive footage)
Allix Mortis
Themself (behind-the-scenes)
Irina Peligrad
Nephite Geraldine (archive footage)