Two Kings
Two Kings
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Two Kings

The young adventurer Signature Hjelm meets one day a runaway carriage, and succeeds by a resourceful and daring intervention to avert an accident. The rig belongs to Gustav III's favorite, Baron Armfelt, and as a reward for his feat will Ture service of the king's guard. Conspirators trying maple certainly entice him over to the king's enemies, but Ture reports Gustaf receiving a grim and determined expression on his face: "Spies even here!" His confidence Signature increases.

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Arne Weel como: Gustaf III

Arne Weel

Gustaf III
Åke Claesson como: Carl Michael Bellman

Åke Claesson

Carl Michael Bellman
Harald Schwenzen como: Thure Hjelm

Harald Schwenzen

Thure Hjelm
Hugo Björne como: Baron Gustaf Mauritz Armfeldt

Hugo Björne

Baron Gustaf Mauritz Armfeldt
Nils Aréhn como: Carl Fredrik Pechlin

Nils Aréhn

Carl Fredrik Pechlin