A Hero From This Time
A Hero From This Time
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A Hero From This Time

The series revolves around a poor man who wants to get rich. As he has a dream that he has found a treasure, his social status changes as he goes out every night to abandoned areas and begins digging and goes home by day to rest.

Detalhes do Filme
Título Originalبطل من هذا الزمان
Onde Assistir

Ayman Zeidan como: سعيد النايحة

Ayman Zeidan

سعيد النايحة
Nadine Khoury como: جمانة

Nadine Khoury

Ayman Reda como: منصور النايحة

Ayman Reda

منصور النايحة
Shokran Mortja como: إفتكار (سناء)

Shokran Mortja

إفتكار (سناء)