Revamp: The Undead Story
Revamp: The Undead Story
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Revamp: The Undead Story

Punn, the owner of a vintage shop, is enlisted by a gallery-owning friend to restore a painting vandalised under mysterious circumstances. During the process, Punn injures himself, inadvertently staining the artwork with his blood. The act awakens Ramil, the last descendant of a vampire lineage, trapped within the painting for over a century. However, Ramil emerges powerless and becomes the target of relentless pursuit by the Hunters. Tasked with aiding Ramil in reclaiming his lost powers, Punn embarks on a journey to locate Ramil's former servants, now living discreetly among humans.

Detalhes da Série
Titúlo Originalแวมไพร์โปรเจ็คต์
SituaçãoEm produção
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