Sexy Commando Side Story: That's Amazing!! Mr. Masaru
Sexy Commando Side Story: That's Amazing!! Mr. Masaru
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Sexy Commando Side Story: That's Amazing!! Mr. Masaru

Okometsubu Fujiyama has recently transferred over to a new school, Wakame High School. His goal is to make 100 friends--until he meets the extremely wierd Masaru Hananakajima. Masaru is a martial artist whose specialty is the "Sexy Commando" form of martial art. Masaru forms a club based on this art, including Fujiyama, who he nicknames Fuumin, in the club. The club becomes full of strange, yet wacky people. Aliens, moustaches, and cute fuzzy animals are encountered as the club moves along and gets steadily more popular.

Detalhes da Série
Titúlo Originalセクシーコマンドー外伝 すごいよ!! マサルさん
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