Elenco - O Espelho
Маргарита Терехова
Natalya / Maroussia - the MotherИгнат Данильцев
Ignat / Alexei - 12 Years OldЛариса Тарковская
Nadezha - Mother of 12-Year-Old AlexeiАлла Демидова
LisaАнатолий Солоницын
Forensic DoctorМикола Гринько
Printery DirectorТамара Огородникова
Nanny / Neighbour / Strange Woman at Tea TableЮрий Назаров
Rifle Shooting InstructorОлег Янковский
The FatherФилипп Янковский
Aleksei - 5 Years OldЮрий Свентиков
Asafiev - War OrphanТатьяна Решетникова
Proofreader in Printing HouseMariya Tarkovskaya-Vishnyakova
Old MotherOlga Kizilova
Redheaded GirlErnesto del Bosque
Spanish RefugeeLuis Correcher
Spanish RefugeeÁngel Gutiérrez
Spanish RefugeeDionisio García Zapico
Spanish RefugeeTomas Pamies
Spanish RefugeeTeresa Del Bosque
Spanish Refugee TwinTatiana Del Bosque
Spanish Refugee TwinИннокентий Смоктуновский
Narrator - The Author's Words (voice)Арсений Тарковский
Narrator - His Own Poems (voice)